Monday, November 30, 2009
waking and praying
digits glow red in the dark
after a few Hail Mary's
i settle in on the Jesus Prayer
"Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of God,
have mercy on me a sinner."
my cat knows i am awake
she walks across my chest
placing her cold nose on my nose
i try to pet her but this is not what she wants
she wants me to get up
follow her to the kitchen
then shake a few treats from the "pounce" container
did you know there is live news show on at 2:30?
it's a quiet news show with one female anchor
she speaks softly
as if she knows
anyone up at this hour
is trying to go back to sleep.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
she's fast!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wayfarer's Heart
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Eucharist (Thanksgiving)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Cross, the Plowshare of Farmer Jesus
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
love somebody
Friday, November 20, 2009
Fwd: "my" dream (so funny it hurts)
believed it was right
i claimed the promise
every day and night
"Lord willing" was my cry
I felt "called" you have to know
I wrote the truth in every line
But the Lord wasn't willing
He said no to my dream
It took me years to understand
that He still loves me
so sincere but so deceived
so confident but so naive
thought I was a prophet
but this was not meant to be
thought i was important
thought i was a sage
thought i was a poet
with something to say
But the Lord wasn't willing
He said no to my dream
took me years to understand
but He still loves me
He's out to bring us home
He's out to save our souls
and if the dream gets in His way
the dream will suffer here below
i still struggle with this stuff
because it's true don't make it easy
these songs in my soul
are wildflowers not weeds
He says No to my dream
makes it hard to understand
how much He still loves me
how much He still loves me!
In Jesus,
To have Keith come to your area, contact him for details at
Thursday, November 19, 2009
what faith allows
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Prophet
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
winter approaching
Monday, November 16, 2009
W. Keith Moore Show in New Jersey
Please come out if you can, admission is free.
who we are
some sad from shame
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I adore Your tender Heart (for RENEE)
was as wild as the night
a bizarre foreign film
with words written on the sky
in the dream i was a mad man
with a beard down to my knees
i prayed the rosary up on the mast
i was a sailor on the seas
i love you
mad about you
always have been from the start
i love you
you're my dream girl
i adore your tender heart
i was bronze from the sun
and you were pale as a pearl
i took you away from the land
you became my ocean girl
i tattoed your name across my arm
we drank rum and sang a song called
"forever our love will be!"
i love you
mad about you
always have been from the start
i love you
you're my dream girl
i adore your tender heart
when i woke from this dream
you were sleeping by my side
i thanked the Lord with all my soul
yo ho ho what a crazy ride!
11/15/09 at 10:25
when we pray
Saturday, November 14, 2009
everything within me
cries out
i cry out to You
damn angry
"what must happen for You to say yes Father?!!"
my words hit the ceiling
falling back down upon my head
yet i hear Your call
a drum banging in my ear
You have given vision
You have given a gift
You have given a message
You have given passion
how long O Lord!
will Your vagabond child stumble in this strangling darkness?
selling vodka
selling credit card machines
selling cars
selling the soul
working for ungrateful ogres
ogres of greed and pride
abusing hearts for selfish gain
a race horse forced to plow for 40 years
i am afraid to say these things to You,
afraid You will punish me Father
the wayward child
afraid You will shake Your head at me
shrugging Your holy shoulders
but as Your servant David cried out,
i raise my voice
though nothing like David
for he was a man after Your own heart
i am the greatest sinner i know
a man after what?
and i am not just saying this for pity Father
You know i am horrible to You
full of pride
lacking faith
so now my cry
is for Mercy!
Have mercy O Lord
this is all can ask for
I deserve nothing
nothing without You
Have mercy on me
in this prison of my own making
Friday, November 13, 2009
Unity (SONG)
it was shining and strong
graceful and noble
a harmonious song
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold
an old bearded man in gray
helped a preacher understand
without a word he preached the gospel
just by walking through the town
don't interpret on your own
cause baby what if you get it wrong?
and start a church that you adore
its happened many times before
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold
(ugly as sin
shallow and mean
proud and sure
of everything)
they will know us by our love
not by how we push and shove
many souls will ask one day
why did y'all lead us astray?
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold
i saw unity today
it was shining and strong
graceful and noble
a harmonious song
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold
an old bearded man in gray
helped a preacher understand
without a word he preached the gospel
just by walking through the town
don't interpret on your own
cause what if you get it wrong?
and start a church that you adore
its happened many times before
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold
(ugly as sin
shallow and mean
proud and sure
of everything)
they will know us by our love
not by how we push and shove
many souls will ask one day
why did y'all lead us astray?
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Virgin of virgins
our Mother
what God did in you
through you
with you
gives us hope
great hope
He brought Jesus
to the world
through your willing heart
you are the new ark of the new covenant
gave Him His Flesh
His eye color
His hair color
through your "yes"
the world changed forever
so Mary,
pray for us
to say yes
to His sacred heart
to His commands
to die to self
to eat His Flesh
Drink His Blood
to love our enemies
to carry our crosses
to pray to our Father in secret
to care for the lonely
the forgotten
to act like Him
bringing Him to the world around us
for He is Lord forever!
Virgin of virgins
our Mother
what God did in you
through you
with you
gives us hope
great hope
He brought Jesus
to the world
through your willing heart
you are the new ark of the new covenant
gave Him His Flesh
His eye color
His hair color
through your "yes"
the world changed forever
so Mary,
pray for us
to say yes
to His sacred heart
to His commands
to die to self
to eat His Flesh
Drink His Blood
to love our enemies
to carry our crosses
to pray to our Father in secret
to care for the lonely
the forgotten
to act like Him
bringing Him to the world around us
for He is Lord forever!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tear in the Desert on EWTN TONIGHT!
Please tune in at 11:00 EASTERN, 10:00 CENTRAL, 8:00 PACIFIC
Direc TV 370
Dish TV 261
watch it on the web
Fr. Ron Camarda shares his reflections of serving as a Chaplain to the Marines during the Battle for Fallujah, Iraq (2004). At Bravo Surgical the Marines suffered over 1500 casualties and 81 deaths. When he returned home he found his work was not done. Walking with the widows and families left behind has been filled with great love and compassion. This is a walk with God into the war in the desert, only to find that the real war is within the human heart.
Wed 11/11/09 11:00 PM ET / 8 PM PT
where our hearts break
thank God...
upon this good earth
where our hearts
we struggle
in God
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
our Brigadoon!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Christmas Deal on my site..
"...and protect us from all anxiety."
every priest prays this
during every Mass
an incredible thing to pray
just before this he prays,
"save us from sin"
seems impossible
at least to me it does
anxiety is always around
sin is always at the door
a few moments after these prayers,
Jesus gives Himself again,
in the Eucharist
Real Food for the journey
after we have all prayed in unison,
"Lord, I am not worthy to receive you,
but only say the word,
and my soul shall be healed"
this is grace
this is peace
this is the fruit
of the cross
this endless love
this is where anxiety is pounced upon
this is why we keep hoping against hope!
even when we're angry
Hound of Heaven
keep finding us!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
every priest prays this
during every Mass
an incredible thing to pray
just before this he prays,
"save us from sin"
seems impossible
anxiety is always around
sin is always at the door
a few moments after these prayers,
Jesus gives Himself again,
in the Eucharist
but only say the word,
and my soul shall be healed"
this is grace
this is peace
of the cross
this is where anxiety is pounced upon
Hound of Heaven
keep finding us!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Mind Boggling
Friday, November 6, 2009
Burning Flame
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
the occasional breeze
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
One in Three
Monday, November 2, 2009
Tear in the Desert