Monday, November 30, 2009


sleepless again
waking and praying
digits glow red in the dark
after a few Hail Mary's
i settle in on the Jesus Prayer
"Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of God,
have mercy on me a sinner."
my cat knows i am awake
she walks across my chest
placing her cold nose on my nose
i try to pet her but this is not what she wants
she wants me to get up
follow her to the kitchen
then shake a few treats from the "pounce" container
did you know there is live news show on at 2:30?
it's a quiet news show with one female anchor
she speaks softly
as if she knows
anyone up at this hour
is trying to go back to sleep.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

she's fast!

the beauty of winter
the days grow short
darkness long
the light of day
the dark of night
the woods less dense
sound travels easier
i walk with my dog
long into the timber
dead leaves crumbling
a twig snaps beneath my boot
i see my breath
"hail Mary full of grace..."
the 27th day of the Novena
it began in the warmth of autumn
it continues in this frigid morning
Jack runs after a deer
a large doe
her white bushy tail flapping high above her back
he stops after a few yards
looks at me as if to say
"she's fast!"

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Wayfarer's Heart

i got a wayfarer's heart
and a wayfarer's soul
ever since i was young
even more now that i'm old
i love this old world
with its greens and its blues
and the people i care for
as i wear out these shoes
i got a wayfarer's heart
and a wayfarer's soul
ever since i was young
even more now that i'm old
i sing as i go
can you sing it with me?
we are wayfarers all
until we're home we will sing
in the stillness of summer
in the wind swept bright spring
in the doldrums of winter
and with autumn's color change 
i got a wayfarer's heart
and a wayfarer's soul
ever since i was young
and more now that i'm old
i sing as i go
can you sing it with me?
we are wayfarers all
until we're home we will sing
we gotta sing when we're worried
we gotta sing when we're sad
a song spites the dang devil
and makes God's good heart glad
we gotta sing when we're dying
on our last leg at the end
when the world's turned against us
as we struggle with our sin
i got a wayfarer's heart
and a wayfarer's soul
ever since i was young
and more now that i'm old
i sing as i go
can you sing it with me?
we are wayfarers all
until we're home we will sing
inspired by St. Gus


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Eucharist (Thanksgiving)

the word, Eucharist,
means "thanksgiving"
when we receive Jesus,
Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity,
we do so in the "once and for all"
sacrifice of the "Thanksgiving"
we enter in to the eternal and ongoing
 thanksgiving of those gone before us,
those who are throwing their crowns at His feet right now!
Eucharistic living
is a life of gratitude
a life of gratitude is a radical life
this is the life Paul told the Thessalonians to live
"In all things giving thanks(Eucharist)"
God is a Poet
so Brilliant
so True
When Jesus commanded we "do this in remembrance",
He was giving us the True and Spiritual means of worship
He eluded to this when He spoke to the woman at the well.
Those who "worship in spirit and in truth",
would be the Eucharistic Church He would build
on Peter, it makes so much sense.
Thank You Jesus.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Cross, the Plowshare of Farmer Jesus

"So Christ, our heavenly King,
came to till the soil of mankind
devastated by sin.
He assumed a body and,
using the cross as His plowshare,
cultivated the barren soul of man."
St. Macarius wrote these words
i am thankful for the Church
She preserves and collects the words of the saints
i am thankful for their poetic
expressions, metaphors, analogies,
their creativity in spreading the Truth
we all can agree
our sometimes frozen hard souls
 need to be plowed by the cross
i know mine does.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


the last couple of days
the liturgy of the hours
starts with the words
of the apostle Peter
it always amazes me
how this seemingly
uneducated hick
ended up writing
with such poetic brilliance
and poignant prose
hear this from the one Jesus called the "rock"
"Keep your attention closely fixed on it,
as you would on a lamp shining in a dark place
until the first streaks of dawn appear
and the morning star rises in your hearts."
sounds like Bob Dylan
i guess when Jesus changes your name
and everyone starts calling you that name
it has some pretty heavy results
and some poetic ones as well

Monday, November 23, 2009


the joy
should be
in serving
not in being served
in giving
not in receiving
in dying to self
not in living selfishly
our reward
lies in who we serve
not in hoping He will
bless us for our service
the blessing
is being
and being able to serve
Augustine says this much better
than i do

Saturday, November 21, 2009

love somebody

love someone today
The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
a priest
a preacher
ask yourself,
"who needs forgiving today?"
"who needs a call?"
"who is lying in a rest-home,
there is always someone to love
God made sure of that

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fwd: "my" dream (so funny it hurts)

I had a dream
believed it was right
i claimed the promise
every day and night

"Lord willing" was my cry
I felt "called" you have to know
I wrote the truth in every line
i was ready to go

But the Lord wasn't willing
He said no to my dream
It took me years to understand
that He still loves me

so sincere but so deceived
so confident but so naive
thought I was a prophet
but this was not meant to be

thought i was important
thought i was a sage
thought i was a poet
with something to say

But the Lord wasn't willing
He said no to my dream
took me years to understand
but He still loves me

He's out to bring us home
He's out to save our souls
and if the dream gets in His way
the dream will suffer here below

i still struggle with this stuff
because it's true don't make it easy
these songs in my soul
are wildflowers not weeds
too few have the courage
to put them in a vase
and share them with their friends
they're so wild and out of place
still the Lord ain't willing
He says No to my dream
makes it hard to understand
how much He still loves me

how much He still loves me!

for Vincent Van Gogh,  Billy Moore,  St. Jude, hey Jude, Mother Teresa, Leonard Cohen, the Cohen brothers, Ireland, my Spanish 1 professor,  and my missing cat Levi

In Jesus,

To have Keith come to your area, contact him for details at

Thursday, November 19, 2009

what faith allows

faith allows us to see
the world
through the eyes of Jesus
the physical world
looks different
through His eyes
so does the world within
we start to understand
even in sorrow
we see Him
He is always loving us
when we do not see with faith
we see only ourselves

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Prophet

he walked through the town
 didn't say a word
with a rosary in hand
and a long black beard
he stopped by the fountain
in the middle of the square
he raised his arms to heaven
and with passion he said,
"Jesus demands your life
your riches your fame
your rags your failure
your pride your shame!"
"i'm the anti -Joel Olsteen
i'm the anti -health and wealth
i'm the anti- prosperity gospel
"from this He's calling for your death!"
"Die to your selfish need for more!"
"Die to your lukewarm spiritual war!"
"Die to your false ideas of God!"
"He's not a sugar-daddy for the dreams you employ!"
the crowd shrieked,
"you're not a prophet of Truth!
you are the voice of the devil
a dealer of doom!"
they took him to the jail
believing him from hell
he only smiled and sang a song
to his Beloved Lord of love
they spit in his face
they pulled his beard
they screamed and rebuked
they laughed and jeered
He went to trial for disturbing the peace
the judge was agnostic and wanted his release
the believers screamed, "Put him in prison!"
"His words cause guilt, stress, and division!"


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

winter approaching

winter approaching
cool and clean
snow will fall
white silence
will cover everything
the earth lies dormant
all of creation longs
for the revealing
for resurrection
for spring
winter approaching
come winter
we have our coats ready
our hats
our boots
we know you old man
and Jesus has reminded us
to give our coats to the poor
to the homeless
winter approaching

Monday, November 16, 2009

W. Keith Moore Show in New Jersey

I will be playing December 6 in Martinsville NJ. Here is the info: Put it on your calender.
December 6, 7:00 PM
Blessed Sacrament Church
Washington Valley Road
Martinsville NJ 08836

Please come out if you can, admission is free.

In Jesus,

To have Keith come to your area, contact him for details at

who we are

to be loved by anyone
to love anyone
to be alone
to realize loneliness is a gift
friendship gets harder
as one gets older
Jesus died for His friends
and now
we walk this good earth
some sad from loss
some sad from gain
some sad for sin
some sad from shame
He is preparing us for the resurrection
this is our hope
He is preparing us for the great journey
and we need to understand that how we act now
affects how we will act later
how we love now
how we care now
how we hate now
how we forgive now
how we don't forgive now
He wants us filled with grace
not with disgrace
with hope
not with horror
for who we are is who we will be

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I adore Your tender Heart (for RENEE)

the dream i had last night
was as wild as the night
a bizarre foreign film
with words written on the sky
in the dream i was a mad man
with a beard down to my knees
i prayed the rosary up on the mast
i was a sailor on the seas
i love you
mad about you
always have been from the start
i love you
you're my dream girl
i adore your tender heart
i was bronze from the sun
and you were pale as a pearl
i took you away from the land
you became my ocean girl
i tattoed your name across my arm
we drank rum and sang a song called
"forever our love will be!"
i love you
mad about you
always have been from the start
i love you
you're my dream girl
i adore your tender heart
when i woke from this dream
you were sleeping by my side
i thanked the Lord with all my soul
yo ho ho what a crazy ride!
11/15/09 at 10:25

when we pray

last night at work
hundreds coming in
wild eyed
some looking for a fight
others looking for a high
or a low
Jesus loves all of us
His silence is proof
His waiting is proof
i often pray while at work
little rapid fire prayers
for these folks coming in
for myself
Holy Spirit wants us doing this
i can tell He likes it
when we pray
we open cracks for grace to get in
for others
and for ourselves

Saturday, November 14, 2009


everything within me
cries out
i cry out to You
damn angry
"what must happen for You to say yes Father?!!"
my words hit the ceiling
falling back down upon my head
yet i hear Your call
 a drum banging in my ear
You have given vision
You have given a gift
You have given a message
You have given passion
how long O Lord!
will Your vagabond child stumble in this strangling darkness?
selling vodka
selling credit card machines
selling cars
selling the soul
working for ungrateful ogres
ogres of greed and pride
abusing hearts for selfish gain
a race horse forced to plow for 40 years
i am afraid to say these things to You,
 afraid You will punish me Father
the wayward child
afraid You will shake Your head at me
shrugging Your holy shoulders
but as Your servant David cried out,
i raise my voice
though nothing like David
for he was a man after Your own heart
i am the greatest sinner i know
a man after what?
and i am not just saying this for pity Father
You know i am horrible to You
full of pride
lacking faith
so now my cry
is for Mercy!
Have mercy O Lord
this is all can ask for
I deserve nothing
nothing without You
Have mercy on me
in this prison of my own making


everything within me
cries out
i cry out to You
damn angry
"what must happen for You to say yes Father?!!"
my words hit the ceiling
falling back down upon my head
yet i hear Your call
 a drum banging in my ear
You have given vision
You have given a gift
You have given a message
You have given passion
how long O Lord!
will Your vagabond child stumble in this strangling darkness?
selling vodka
selling credit card machines
selling cars
selling the soul
working for ungrateful ogres
ogres of greed and pride
abusing hearts for selfish again
a race horse forced to plow for 40 years
i am afraid to say these things to You,
 afraid You will punish me Father
the wayward child
afraid You will shake Your head at me
shrugging Your holy shoulders
but as Your servant David cried out,
i raise my voice
though nothing like David
for he was a man after Your own heart
i am the greatest sinner i know
a man after what?
and i am not just saying this for pity Father
You know i am horrible to You
full of pride
lacking faith
so now my cry
is for Mercy!
Have mercy O Lord
this is all can ask for
I deserve nothing
nothing without You
Have mercy on me
in this prison of my own making


Friday, November 13, 2009

Unity (SONG)

i saw unity today
it was shining and strong
graceful and noble
a harmonious song
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold
an old bearded man in gray
helped a preacher understand
without a word he preached the gospel
just by walking through the town

don't interpret on your own
cause baby what if you get it wrong?
and start a church that you adore
its happened many times before
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold

(ugly as sin
shallow and mean
proud and sure
of everything)

they will know us by our love
not by how we push and shove
many souls will ask one day
why did y'all lead us astray?
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold


i saw unity today
it was shining and strong
graceful and noble
a harmonious song
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold
an old bearded man in gray
helped a preacher understand
without a word he preached the gospel
just by walking through the town

don't interpret on your own
cause what if you get it wrong?
and start a church that you adore
its happened many times before
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold

(ugly as sin
shallow and mean
proud and sure
of everything)

they will know us by our love
not by how we push and shove
many souls will ask one day
why did y'all lead us astray?
unity said unity
shows the beauty in our souls
divided we are shallow
and ugly to behold

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Virgin of virgins
our Mother
what God did in you
through you
with you
gives us hope
great hope
He brought Jesus
to the world
through your willing heart
you are the new ark of the new covenant
gave Him His Flesh
His eye color
His hair color
through your "yes"
the world changed forever
so Mary,
pray for us
to say yes
to His sacred heart
to His commands
to die to self
to eat His Flesh
Drink His Blood
to love our enemies
to carry our crosses
to pray to our Father in secret
to care for the lonely
the forgotten
to act like Him
bringing Him to the world around us
for He is Lord forever!



Virgin of virgins
our Mother
what God did in you
through you
with you
gives us hope
great hope
He brought Jesus
to the world
through your willing heart
you are the new ark of the new covenant
gave Him His Flesh
His eye color
His hair color
through your "yes"
the world changed forever
so Mary,
pray for us
to say yes
to His sacred heart
to His commands
to die to self
to eat His Flesh
Drink His Blood
to love our enemies
to carry our crosses
to pray to our Father in secret
to care for the lonely
the forgotten
to act like Him
bringing Him to the world around us
for He is Lord forever!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tear in the Desert on EWTN TONIGHT!

Hello folks, i have some really great news... Tonight, November 11, EWTN will show a special called "Tear in the Desert". This is the book by Fr. Ron Carmada that will be made into a film of which I will be doing the soundtrack. The show tonight shows Padre Camarda reading from the book and features some of the songs I have written for the project. I can't tell you how thankful I am to be a part of something so important and timely regarding the men and women of our military.

Please tune in at 11:00 EASTERN, 10:00 CENTRAL, 8:00 PACIFIC

Direc TV 370
Dish TV 261
watch it on the web

Fr. Ron Camarda shares his reflections of serving as a Chaplain to the Marines during the Battle for Fallujah, Iraq (2004). At Bravo Surgical the Marines suffered over 1500 casualties and 81 deaths. When he returned home he found his work was not done. Walking with the widows and families left behind has been filled with great love and compassion. This is a walk with God into the war in the desert, only to find that the real war is within the human heart.
Wed 11/11/09 11:00 PM ET / 8 PM PT

where our hearts break

another morning
thank God...
upon this good earth
where our hearts
long and look
we struggle
in God


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

our Brigadoon!

old dead leaves
falling from the trees
beautiful in dying
metaphoric you and me
becoming earth again
piled up to our knees
coloring the faded grass
blown by every breeze
autumn in the soul
we all will find one day
the Spirit blowing us around
as we learn our secret names
while we tread this realm of seasons
on this good earth taking part
holding on to His mysterious hand
during the winters of our heart
Our fear is tempered by our faith
death is but the final Door
to a thousand endless summers
to a spring forevermore
His face will be our sunshine
His grin our silver moon
His laughter our rock and roll
His presence our Brigadoon!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Christmas Deal on my site..

Hey folks, starting tonight, until December 20th, we are running specials on all of my CD's. I hope you have some friends out there you might want to send my stuff for Christmas. This applies to you folks in Germany, Ireland, Canada, Italy, and Poland a well. 
 Thanks again for all of your support and prayers ( and don't forget the soldiers, Marines, and Airmen, the CD's for them are only 5.00 a cd. We are sending them over soon.)
PS Please pass this on to our email friends.


"...and protect us from all anxiety."
every priest prays this
during every Mass
an incredible thing to pray
just before this he prays,
"save us from sin"
seems impossible
at least to me it does
anxiety is always around
sin is always at the door
a few moments after these prayers,
Jesus gives Himself again,
in the Eucharist
Real Food for the journey
after we have all prayed in unison,
"Lord, I am not worthy to receive you,
but only say the word,
and my soul shall be healed"
this is grace
this is peace
this is the fruit
of the cross
this endless love
this is where anxiety is pounced upon
this is why we keep hoping against hope!
even when we're angry
Hound of Heaven
keep finding us!


Sunday, November 8, 2009


"...and protect us from all anxiety."
every priest prays this
during every Mass
an incredible thing to pray
just before this he prays,
"save us from sin"
seems impossible
at least to me it does
anxiety is always around
sin is always at the door
a few moments after these prayers,
Jesus gives Himself again,
in the Eucharist
Real Food for the journey
after we have all prayed in unison,
"Lord, I am not worthy to receive you,
but only say the word,
and my soul shall be healed"
this is grace
this is peace
this is the fruit
of the cross
this endless love
this is where anxiety is pounced upon
this is why we keep hoping against hope!
even when we're angry
Hound of Heaven
keep finding us!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mind Boggling

the light engulfs us
in our darkness
He is like that
die to live
lose to find
give to receive
last shall be first
first last
deny yourself
to find yourself
the kingdom is
this is how He shows His mighty arm
a cross on Friday
 for all to see
rising on Sunday
for no one to see
In silence
He speaks
yet we see Him
mind boggling

Friday, November 6, 2009

Burning Flame

the reason i came here
is unknown to me
i'm just one in 5 billion
a little fish in the sea
the woman who loves me
the son with my name
i'm always surprised
by the burning flame
some days i stray
more than i should
i get cold inside
need to chop some wood
gotta go to the alter
find a candle to light
hit my knees for a while
fan the embers inside
burning flame
burning flame
in every life it's the same
from the womb to the grave
burning flame
burning flame
when it's winter in the heart
 nothing but a frozen pond
and desire is a memory
hold on hold on hold on
"sometimes it's all we can do"
said a woman that i know
her husband left her with the kids
a norther howlin in her soul
burning flame
burning flame
in every life it's the same
from the womb to the grave
burning flame
burning flame
got a text from a faithful friend
said he prayed for me last night
i replied with gratitude
it stoked the flame to fight the fight

Thursday, November 5, 2009

leaving for a show

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we all feel the affect
i sat there last night
in my windbreaker
Jesus said many things
mostly about hell
but too about crosses
denying ourselves
calling God "Daddy"
commanded us to eat His Flesh
drink His Blood
crazy stuff!
"before Abraham I am"
changed water to really good wine
walked on water
ate fish
went without food for 40 days and nights
hung out with hick fisherman
tax collectors
accused of drinking too much
spit upon
beard pulled out
so afraid he sweat blood
this is who we follow
He never promised to make us happy
at least not during the cross carrying days on this earth
"abundant life" must mean something we don't get
and having a "personal relationship" with Jesus?
we should be very careful with this thinking
It can greatly water down what He wants from us,


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the occasional breeze

i don't know
i am not sure
i hope
i doubt
i believe
i reason
i fail
i stumble
i try
i am insecure
i am over confident
i am prideful
i don't know if i am humble
the desert is getting too familiar
never comfortable
but familiar
i am sick of it
sick of wandering
Moses left already
it's just us sheep
mostly alone
except for our rosaries
our novenas
and the occasional breeze we call grace


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One in Three

come on Father!
come on Son!
come on Spirit!
can i be one?
don't You want me to go?
i guess You see it different than me
as i'm left wondering
shaking like a leaf
will You let me take to the road?
let me in
let me go
or will i remain?
in this prison of pity
in this doubting dungeon
in this cave of confusion
in this daunting dysfunction
here i am
here i am
use me
if You can
in spite of me
i'm on my knees
come on Beloved
come on One in Three..!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tear in the Desert

       Lord willing, if all goes well, over the next year a film will begin production called Tear in the Desert. After my appearance on "The Journey Home" i received hundreds of emails from around the world. In fact, even after 3 months i still feel the ripples in the pond. But one email was from a man named Christian Peshkin. Christian is film producer. He had purchased the rights to a book written by Navy Chaplin Fr. Ron Moses Camarda called Tear in the Desert.  Fr. Ron Moses Camarda had spent 9 months in Fallujah in 2004. This was the most brutal 9 months of the war. Fr. Camarda had also seen my hour on "The Journey Home". He sent me the book and the inspiration began. They had been to my site, listened to my music, and felt confident i was meant to do the music for the film! WOW! i am humbled and excited. i have written 10 songs for the project. The plan at the moment is for the next W. Keith Moore album/CD to be called "Tear in the Desert". It will be released before the film is finished. Hopefully, the CD will be out by April or May. One is never sure how the Lord in His mercy guides these ships. The soundtrack for the film will include these songs from the album, plus instrumental pieces not on the pre-released CD.
            This is going to be a journey. As most of you know from looking in the "Fridge" on my site, i record all of my songs alone on my "Garage Band" software in my studio ( in the garage). I usually make everything available as I finish them. i am not sure which of the other tunes for the film will appear in the fridge, but i will let you know. i hope to find a studio and the funds to go in and record with a band soon.
         i am using this song, "Prizes for Peace", inspired by my time in Fr. Camarda's book,  also inspired by the most recent event of President Obama winning the Nobel Prize for Peace, to make this announcement because of the timeliness of it.
Please go to Amazon and check out Fr. Camarda's book, "Tear in the Desert"
peace, and please keep me, and this project in your prayers, and don't forget to tell all your friends to go to my "STORE" and buy a Beloved and Soul CD for themselves and one for our Soldiers and Marines in Afghanistan.
ps.. this lyric video was kindly put together by Carol at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Scottsdale, Arizona


 Levi is missing
he is my favorite cat
if i were a cat,
i would want to be like Levi
very kind
knows how to diffuse aggression
very tall and lean
i fear he may be lost
it has been two weeks
we have looked everywhere
asked everyone
it hurts
at night especially
the unknown
where is he?
even in this
i must trust Beloved
He said to cast all..
all of my anxiety
not some,
upon Him..
i am casting..


Sunday, November 1, 2009

a Zombie Big Elvis

as we get older
we look for laughter
we hope for grace
we search for sanity
an Elvis impersonator
dressed as a zombie big Elvis
 a Halloween party
a very large man
in a black sequined jumpsuit
with a face painted white to insinuate
a very dead Elvis...
dang he could sing like E!
we laughed hard when attempted the karate moves
we had just come from a concert i did
here in Oxford
one minute i was singing
"St. Augustine's Blues"
the next,
"CC Rider",
we mustn't take ourselves too serious
the sanity we look for
is sometimes in the most bizarre places
so is the laughter
so is the grace