It is hotter than heck here in Oxford..
99 today, 91% humidity
And it will not rain...
I saw a black family reunion on my way from town,
a huge family, cars along the highway for a while..
I slowed to a stop waiting for a car to turn in,
an older gentleman walked over to my car..
"Y'all need to come on up and join us!"
I told him I would love to for a few minutes,
but that I couldn't stay for long.
They had a guitar and were passing it around..
When it came to me I tried to pass and not mention I play..
The music they were playing was simply amazing..
Hill Country Blues...murky, moving, honest..funny, heartbreaking...
They insisted I play something..
I told the the story of my uncle down in Louisville who had a dirt track when I was growing up....
I then played my tune "Mississippi Noise"
I am glad I took some time to hang out..
Oxford MS!