Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fully Alive

The instant we begin to will His will in the smallest things, is the instant we begin to fully live. We were created for full life, abundant life, which is a detached life. Sweet detachment is a state of grace that allows us to do what we see the Father doing. He came to bring us back to this fullness. Adam and Eve had this and lost it when they grasped at being equal with God, which is still our problem. Jesus did not regard equality with God something to be grasped at. Jesus was fully alive. His will is simple. Kindness, caring for family and friends when they do not seem to notice or respond in kind, reaching out to those who despise us with humility, helping the helpless, seeing others as more important than ourselves, spending more time on our knees, devotion to His Sacred Heart. Not easy, but simple. I can't do this stuff on my own, I can't keep it going for long in my own strength. It is His grace that I must respond to if I am even to will His will. It is His yoke that is "easy", according to His words, that we must wear. Every soul has his or her own cross to bear. This is why the Sacraments are so vital to being fully alive! Receiving His forgiveness in reconciliation is so beautiful and makes so much sense to the daily struggle. Thank You Lord for this! Receiving His Body and Blood in the Eucharist is food for this daily struggle to help us love our Lord, friends, and enemies. Thank You Lord for this! Our Beloved Jesus thought of everything when He began His Church! Fully alive, is there any other way to live?

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