Thursday, April 9, 2009

We are Loved

I have longed to eat this meal with you before I suffer.--Jesus
Our lives are no longer hopeless. Our failures are no longer who we are. Our faith is in a Person. Our love is because He first loved us! We can forgive one another because He has forgiven us. We can walk out our doors this morning and know that He is mad about us. It all began with a meal. Why did Jesus long to eat "this meal" with His followers? The Passover Seder is about deliverance. It is about God leading His people out of bondage to Pharaoh. With "this meal", God is about to lead the world out of bondage to sin! Jesus, the Lamb of God, longs for the meal because He becomes for us our very Food and Drink, uniting Himself with us in a way never imagined!! He is The Meal! He is not only our High Priest, He is the Lamb slain for the sins of all men. Moses made sure the children of Israel ate the lamb after they had placed the lamb's blood over the doorpost. It was vital that they ate the flesh of the lamb. Our freedom from the bondage of sin is found in the suffering Lamb of God. From the upper room and the giving of the Eucharist ( the Thanksgiving, or the Todah ), to Gethsemane, to the scourging, the crown of thorns, the carrying of the cross, the crucifixion, to the Glorious and quiet Resurrection, we have reason to repent, believe, and rejoice.
The 'Last Supper' - Artist unknown

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