Friday, July 31, 2009

the universal drum

there is a great desire within all living things to continue living
the beating of a heart is the universal drum all living creatures march to
Jesus had a heart like ours
it beat like ours and he also wanted his human heart to continue beating
read his prayer in gethsemane and you can't deny this
but his love for the Father was greater than his love for his own beating heart
his love for us was greater than his need to survive
somehow, even in his great struggle, he knew the cup he must drink was vital for the Father's work
he gave himself for our hope
his beating heart came to an abrupt stop on the tree of life with the words
"it is finished"
we have so much to thank the Father, Son, and Spirit for in this moment.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Homemade Video of Beloved

Here is something i did one night in the studio in Vancouver. Roy, the producer was gone and around midnight I was bored. It's not slick, and the strings are different than what Roy ended up putting on the song, so it makes this take unique from that perspective alone.
Also, I put a few more homemade videos on YOUTUBE.. One is of a brand new tune.."Are U Listening Lord?"

the better for it

God never tires of us bringing Him our needs
we must never think of Him as getting irritated with us for pleading with Him
Jesus made it clear with the story of the woman and the evil judge
the more we stay on our knees and seek God the better
the better for the defeat of our pride
the better for the maturing of our wants
the better for the good habit it creates
the better for our souls
none of us pray enough
give thanks often in the midst of longing
give praise too in the midst of suffering
and never stop laying those needs before the Father

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

After the Rain

it has rained all day
i really like this new place
it's as if we live in a lodge hidden in a rain forest
evergreen's surround us and large trees
oaks, sycamore, pine
this rain is steady, it reminds me of Portland Oregon
we spent some time there a few years ago
it rained every day we were there
a steady rain like this one
i am sitting at the kitchen table as i write this
there are two large windows allowing me to watch this beautiful rain
i hope it rains like this every now and then in heaven.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

doG spelled backwards

i had one of those days yesterday when you, "wonder why you are here."
its a very selfish thing to wonder I guess
the eyes are too much turned inward
my dog Jack snapped me out of it with his constant need for affection
he is the most loving dog i have ever been around
he looks me in the eye and there is no guile
i think the Lord gave us dogs to teach us unconditional love
i know i am not alone in this thought
they demand love and yet keep giving love even when they are ignored by us busy humans
sounds kinda like God to me
my brother-in-law used to sing a funny little song,
"my best friend is doG spelled backwards"
as St. Therese, the Little Flower said,
"Everything is grace."


Monday, July 27, 2009


Ok, Beloved is now on Itunes,  W. Keith Moore, Beloved
You can now download your favorite song or the entire album for your IPOD. Thanks for being patient.  This is also true for SOUL and AMBO.
PS.... All of you Pilgrims can go to  and look for the 5 songs I wrote while we were in Turkey and Greece.. 1. Hot or Cold,  2. First Love, 3. I know You're Rich, 4. I Press On, 5. Blessed Be God ( this one should be on by tonight)
If you would like a CD of these 5 tunes, please email me and I will let you know how to do so.

the deer and i

at 5:00 this morning there was a deer standing less than 20 feet from
me on my back porch
she was not afraid
we lived in the country for 8 years and only saw deer from a distance
in the field
now we live in a neighborhood and they are like pets
perspective is everything
how we weave our lives in and out of our perspectives is where we learn to trust
we are all waiting on something
even if we do not know this, we are
we are made to anticipate something
our soul is never content with anything except the peace of God
and the peace of God is ever before us, just beyond our sin
when our perspective of God becomes closer to what He wants,
we will be less afraid no matter how close trouble or anxiety get
we will be like the deer and i this morning


Friday, July 24, 2009

pub life

the somber looking young girl walked into the room
her blue eyes kept lowered as she found a table alone, she has on very
large black headphones that are plugged into her ipod

three rough old dudes are drinking miller lite and laughing about something
they are worn out from working in this brutal heat all day

a brown dog trots by on the sidewalk hoping for scraps by the back door
the old cook feeds him twice a day

the waitress comes with my order
chicken fried steak, black eyed peas, green beans, jalepeno cornbread

she pours me a fresh glass of sweet ice tea
i thank her and she walks away

I cross myself, say a blessing
bon apetit

ajax diner, oxford ms

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Inner Side of the Wind

You walk with eyes wide open
ever looking for the guiding hand
Until a day when death a door opens
to the inner side of the wind
Life is a twisting highway
a lonely interstate
the soul is the endless engine
that keeps us moving in the thoughts we think
Love will never end
It's what we'll find when the highway bends
Into the shadows my dear friend
we'll see the inner side of the wind
The corn is high in the fields
soon the harvest will come again
the autumn brings change and an orange moon
and a cold mysterious wind
Green leaves change on the branches
yellow, red, and gold
reminding those who notice
the mystery of death and hope
You walk with eyes wide open
ever looking for the guiding hand
Until a day when death a door opens
to the inner side of the wind
Oxford MS
July 23, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Van Gogh Thinking?

What was Van gogh thinking
When he drew the Starry Night?
Was it a prayer for his own darkness
to be overcome by light?
What was St. Francis thinking
When he gave everything away?
His clothes, his food, his reputation,
to live on a beggar's pay?
Painters, mystics, priests, and poets
In love with thier silent God
It may drive them mad but they show us things
that inspire our weary hearts
What was St. Pio thinking
When he received the marks of Christ?
Five wounds he carried with him
Up until the day he died?
What was Mother Teresa thinking
When she held a dying man?
"This is Jesus that I'm holding.
This poor wretch is the Great I Am"
Painters, mystics, priests, and poets
In love with thier silent God
It may drive them mad but they show us things
that wake up our sleeping hearts
Vincent filled his work up with the light of God
St. Francis changed the world wherever his bare feet trod
Padre Pio saw the pain in every soul and knew what to say
Mother Teresa embraced the endless night and she never ran away
What was Van gogh thinking
When he drew the Starry Night?
Was it a prayer for his own darkness
to be overcome by light?
Oxford MS
July 22, 2009
p.s. go to my site and buy some cd's.. I lost my job, I need the money! And buy a few for the soldiers... PEACE and LOVE!

Monday, July 20, 2009


To all of you who have purchased CDs from my website, THANKS! And I especially am grateful for so many buying cds for the soldiers and Marines in Afghanistan, They will appreciate your caring. I hope they like the music.
If you haven''t joined in, please do so, we are hoping to send 500 by the first of September....

Ancient Ever New

i want to tell you a story
it is an ancient story with every drama known to man
it begins at the beginning
its end is known but yet to come
there was a garden where love bloomed and died
there was a garden where love cried
then there was a garden where magdeline cried for joy
this tale weaved its way for the last two thousand years through kingdoms and kings
it speaks of corruption, betrayel, redemption, and Truth
though battered from within and without
the Truth in this story has never changed
this is the story of the Church built upon Peter
for Fr. Robert Barron

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Smelly Woolly Ragged Sheep

deep into the heart of prayer
to teach, to practice, a walking sacrament!
we met at Mundelien
he was on his journey into Mary's wise and loving arms
a deacon then, now a priest in the service of her Son
there is no higher calling than to be a shepherd
to care for, admonish, pray with, to serve the sheep
i feel much better now that Fr. Greg has his shepherd's staff
there is grace, honesty, encouragement and laughter when we talk over the phone
one day, God willing, i will be in Wisconsin to visit
i will sit and make a confession
and by the power of the Holy Spirit
he will absolve me, the smelly woolly ragged sheep that i am
in the line of the Apostles, he now does the work Jesus gives every Apostle to do
"whoever sins you forgive are forgiven..."--Jesus
Isn't it amazing how God chooses to help us in the journey?
for Fr. Greg Michaud

Friday, July 17, 2009

50 Knots

i was inspired to wear the 'Jesus Prayer' rope on my wrist by a priest of the Eastern Rite Catholic tradition from Pennsylvania
he is never without his,
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner"
50 knots to meditate on throughout the day and night
i visited his parish in the small mining town last year
the rectory where he lives is filled with icons
it is a place of memory and reminders
i had never been to a an Eastern Rite Mass
everything is a song
there is much preparation by the priest
much work to be done, and very much prayer
even before the service begins
the smells of incense and the sound of chanting from behind the screen filled me with a sense of something ancient  untouched by the winds of time
nothing has changed in this liturgy for thousands of years
such beauty and purpose with every gesture and song
for Fr. Ron Hatton

Thursday, July 16, 2009

travel light

i spoke with a man who lives off the land
 a young man with an old soul
we walked through a field where he grows corn
he spoke softly and i had to listen closely to hear him
the sky was as blue as a robin's egg
the breeze came from the west and the deep green corn stalks swayed softly
he pulled an ear from one of the stalks and peeled back the leaf
as yellow as the yellow in a Van Gogh painting
i couldn't help but smile when he smiled
he rubbed it with his thumb and a few kernels fell to the ground
he took a bite and handed it to me
it was sweeter than any corn i can remember
we walked to a small pond down the hill
purple wildflowers and red clover covered its banks
we sat down on the ground and he said,
" i used to be an attorney. i didn't know God, though i pretended to. i had money, cars, girlfriends, a big house, i was a player. I woke up one day empty, dead inside. I sold everything and bought this place. i don't have a car payment, no television, i do have a small radio and i get the local paper. i grow my own food, raise one hog a year, a few goats and chickens for meat and eggs. I have a milk cow named Betty. a few old dogs and cats i got from the animal shelter. i drive a beat up jeep to Mass every day but saturday cause there is no Mass here on saturday. i am finding something i had wondered about for a long time. it is a simple life, not an easy life, but a simple one. i am learning to travel light, and i am not as empty anymore."
for Jeff Cavins

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"which christian are you talking about?"

the bible is not the Word of God
Jesus is the Word of God
we do not worship a book
we worship the Giver of the book
and the One revealed in the book
we must read the bible often
but we must not read it without guidance from the Holy Spirit
if we read it in isolation, interpreting it alone, we run the risk of starting a church
 one not built on St. Peter
the bible read without the authority of the Church Jesus built on St. Peter makes the bible the most dangerous book in the world
we see the fruit of this everywhere
much of christianity has become something unrecognizable and non distinct
it has become a plethora of individual interpretations and bizarre denominations
"it makes little difference to call oneself a christian in our day.", the old man said,
"which christian are you talking about?"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the cross!

the cross!
the cross!
the cross!
we will never begin to understand the empty tomb until we embrace our cross given to us by God
our suffering is as much a part of our journey to the empty tomb as our faith is in the journey
st. paul gloried in the cross!
this is hard to do, but we must stop running from it
the cross offends our modern ideas of a shallow christianity fed to the world by tv preachers, talk show hosts, and heretics
success, wellness, "favor", blah blah blah!
the cross offends our pride that would have us believe we deserve better
Jesus said unless we deny ourselves and take up our cross
we cannot be called his disciples
embracing our cross brings us closer to the humility He desires in each of us
then our hope will be a light, a true and real light in the darkness,
our own darkness and the world's.

Monday, July 13, 2009

the logic of faith

the logic of faith is illogical
we die so that we may live
the only way to keep love is to give it away
the heart runs to the heart's treasure
i am not convinced van gogh was crazy
i believe he longed for hope and light
he painted it into every painting
the sunflowers, the starry night, the empty chair with pipe
the logic of faith is mysterious
the evidence of things hoped for
faulkner filled every dark story with the hope of light
so did flannery o'conner and walker percy
poets are always grasping for the light of hope
for all of us are always pursued by it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


i fled the oncoming storm on my bike
you don't want to be caught in a summer storm in mississippi
especially on a bike
the lightning was gaining on me
i counted when I saw a strike
'one mississippi..two mississippi..
the wind was really blowing now
when i left the house there was no sign of it
'one mississippi..' BOOM!
i felt the wind change from a furnace to slightly cool on the back of my neck
i could see the gravel road i turn on to go home, about a half a mile to go
very large raindrops began hitting my helmet with a thud
'one.....' BOOM!
I had 300 yards to go and the darkness had overtaken me, so had a little bit of fear
lightning struck very close, i could smell sulfur in the air
by the time i reached the carport i was exhausted and fully alive!
we are always being pursued

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Stolen Thoughts

The entire world is not worthy of a man's thought, for this belongs to God alone; any thought, therefore, not centered on God is stolen from Him.---St. John of the Cross, Maxims and Councils
Pretty radical thought from St. John of the Cross.
Did he really mean every thought?
 I think so.
 We are faced with an incredibly deep ocean.
God is not easily understood or embraced.
Yet, He uses the most intimate words to reach our tattered hearts.
Longing, grace, love, hope, peace, mercy, forgiveness, knowing, Jesus wept
i often steal thoughts from God and i find these stolen thoughts are usually wasted on myself
on my shallow desires and ideas
but this is all we have to work with in this valley of tears
 being thankful and grateful in all things is where we start returning those stolen thoughts

Friday, July 10, 2009

no matter where we roam

the desert outside of santa fe, new mexico in autumn
standing on a hill with friend at sundown
watching the Sangre de Cristo Mountains (which means 'the blood of Christ')  change to the color of blood in the setting sun
the columbia river gorge in summer
the wind blowing us hard as we watch the wind surfers glide and fly over the raging river
copenhagen, denmark in winter
the smell of the street vendors incredibly delectable sausage along the 'walk street'
st.claude, france in spring
my wife and i walking the narrow streets looking for a cafe to sit, drink coffee and try the local fare
kent, england in summer
riding the train from london and talking with strangers about accents and the delta blues
istanbul in early spring
walking at 4:45 in the morning in front of the blue mosque, waiting to hear the haunting call to prayer
vancouver, bc in november
sitting in the studio listening to roy compose the strings for one of the songs
oxford ms in winter
teaching a young horse he can trust me
this morning as i was riding my bike i heard the sound of geese making their way north
i skidded to a stop and watched them
they looked solid white, like angels, reflecting in the morning sun
they flew in their well known V shape
there is mercy, order, and grace all around us, and no matter where we roam
we are always being pursued.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pablo's Garden

pablo is a potter from spain
he came here to the university 6 years ago and never left
he looks like a character from the film "il postino"
i met him one afternoon about a month ago when i was riding my bike
he was out cutting the grass near the roadside and called me over
i had wondered about who had bought the little place because in a year it had dramatically changed
it used to be a nothing piece of land with nothing going on
pablo has turned it into a homestead
he has chickens, goats, a horse, a burro, kittens and cats, a dog, ducks, and canaries
he works all the time, his garden is the best in the area,
he gave me so many tomatoes and peppers yesterday i can stay away from kroger's "produce" for a while
he also gave me fresh eggs from the hen house, taking them from the hay where the chickens lay them
have you ever had fresh eggs?
he makes beautiful pottery and is building an old style kiln behind his home
he only uses clay from here in yocona ms, he says it is,"a splendid clay"
that is what all of the piles of wood are for, he will not use electricity in his kiln, the wheel turns as he pedals
there are some people in this life with a simple heart, dirt covered fingernails, and seem born in the wrong time
they shine like a light in this dark world of instant gratification
waiting for things to grow gives them a peace in waiting for most things
pablo and his garden shine just fine

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July Tomatoes

simple things are the best things i believe
raw garlic and olive oil
fresh cilantro, curry, cayenne pepper
i have a friend who carries cayenne with him whenever he leaves the house
this is a good idea, i have started doing this and all foods benefit greatly.
but a ripe red homegrown mississippi tomato can make a grown man cry
the flavor makes store bought tomatoes a curiosity
this morning i sliced a fresh one borrowed from a neighbors vine and sprinkled a little sea salt with crushed black pepper, not too much,
i added to the plate a dab of mayonnaise then covered the mayo with cayenne for dipping
i threw in a few fresh cayenne peppers from my neighbors garden too, such a nice man
this is so good it will make you slap your momma!
my grandmother use to say this about such foods
especially july tomatoes
for Phil Keaggy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Beloved and new Website

I apologize if you are receiving this twice, but my email is acting strange tonight..
Hey folks, my new album came out today and we are hoping to sell a bunch of 'em. You will have the option of purchasing not only Beloved, the new album, but also three others from my catalog I have never been able to offer in this way before.. You can also listen to every song in its entire on the page designated for that album.  please go to my newly re-created site to listen, look, and buy.
Also, check out the daily "musing" and sign up for it to be sent to your email.
I have been taking alot of pictures over the years too.. Here are a few of them, more will be added over time. It's called "Life in Photos".
You may also go to if you prefer to buy it digitally.
I AM REALLY EXCITED ABOUT SOMETHING WE ARE OFFERING FOR YOU TO BE INVOLVED IN!! You now have the oppurtunity to send the troops in Afganistan a gift. When you purchase any of my CD's you can send another to the soldiers for an additional $6.00!!! Thanks to Blake and Lindsey Hill's great idea, and Jean Tillery's hard work, we are able to offer this...You will see the option on the STORE page when you choose an album.
Please visit the store and thank you for your support!
The T-Shirts are very limited, as well as the Ambo CD.. they won't last long.
Don't forget to tune in to "The Journey Home" with Marcus Grodi. I will be Marcus' guest August 24. This show is on EWTN. You can always watch on the web too.
w. keith moore
p.s. pass this email to as many people as you know, I would appreciate it.

the basin

there is nothing too wonderful about losing your cool
i lost mine yesterday and it was because of my pride
it was because i was reprimanded for something at my new job i honestly had no idea i was doing wrong
in fact, i was in the right to be angered by how i was treated
my anger was justified, but to who?
 i bit my tongue and went back to work
it was another humiliating moment among many over the past few years
padre pio tells old me this is great for my soul
he reminds me of the cross and the strangeness of the narrow road
he says i should be happy that i am being humbled like this
i wouldn't say i was jumping up and down with glee!
but when i do stop and take a deep breath i sense the Potter at work
something is being honed and smoothed
maybe there is a basin in the soul for peace to pool like water
a peaceful eddy for my mind to drink from in the midst of these never ending storms
i don't know, i just hope this is happening
and that's about as much as i am willing to talk about it.

Monday, July 6, 2009


hope is everywhere we look
and very often hidden well


The dark door of time, of the future, has been thrown open. The one who has hope lives differently, the one who hopes has been given a new life.--Pope Benedict the 16, from his book, "Saved in Hope"
our certainty lies in the hope we are given in the gospel, the cross, the empty tomb.
we are not that much less lost than anyone else breathing the air of this good earth. 
it is helpful to remember this often as we follow try to follow our mysterious Savior.
hope gives us our faith, and a deep reverence for our time here.
our "faith gives us gives us confidence in the things hoped for", to quote the writer of Hebrews.
we must not allow our faith to become about "what is mine", or, "How blessed I am", or, "I got my ticket to heaven!" , this is incredibly shallow and missing the point.
we are people of hope and humility first, we have hope in the mercy and love of the Father of Jesus.
think of what this means, think of the joy before us, let us live in a loving fear of God,
 and breathe.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


horses read our emotions, dogs read our minds
dogs know before we tell them, you can't keep secrets from them
i found a new home for buddy and rascal yesterday
a man in the meat department at the grocery store has a farm and kids who want big dogs
i feel as if I am betraying my two dear friends...
my wife called me one day 5 summers ago and said a puppy was found behind a dumpster at the drug store
i was putting fence post in the ground at the farm, and it was a brutally hot day
i told her to bring the little mongrel home
he was so small, solid red, now he is so big, (part mastiff)
my son and i went to the animal rescue the next day and found rascal a friend
we named him buddy, so small, now he is big too, (part retriever)
they have never been apart and i thank God they will stay together
this is a mercy for me as much as them
buddy is a little sharper than raz and i know he knows something is coming
he has a little worry in his eyes, even while wagging his tail
rascal just wants to ride in the truck
i hope they forget me soon

Saturday, July 4, 2009

On a Mountain Bike

this morning when i rode my bike i felt the rising heat of July
 the breeze in my face was warm
mississippi summers even keep the birds from flying as much
a Deer carcass along the trail is finally starting to lose its stench
i didn't have to hold my breath as I pedaled by like I have had to do over the past couple of weeks
death is always with us, even on a mountain bike
after the buzzards were finished they left the bones and hide
 the deer is now close to being one with earth again
dust to dust, soon wild flowers will grow where he or she met the silence
the last mile of the seven i ride is the hardest, a steep incline
 it is also the most rewarding with the vista of a mist laden valley
this morning it looked like smoke from a forest fire with this heat and humidity taking over
 it is good to be among the wild things

Friday, July 3, 2009

Too Much Mercy?

God showed mercy to Hagar and Ishmael
Didn't He know what kind of trouble this would bring?
It seems as if God is not afraid of trouble
He saw centuries of conflict between these two brothers of the same father
The wars, death, maiming, land mines, chaos, pride
God must see something we don't in these tumults of ours
Nails through the very real flesh of Yeshua
Thorns into the very real head of Mary's boy
Blood dripping down upon the ground of Abraham, Isaac, (Ishmael), and Jacob
Yeshua said "I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also."

Thursday, July 2, 2009


i do not pretend to understand what is happening
life comes at you sideways and nothing seems as clear as you once thought it to be
even the reflection in the mirror is somewhat suspect
my dogs still recognize me, even the two big dogs who will soon be lying around someone else's yard
i will miss them terribly
maybe I look the same to them as I always did,
before this strange wind began to blow
i wonder if they sense my occasional waves of sadness
i walked out this morning and looked at what will soon be only a dear memory
the pasture, fence, pond, trees, the good loneliness, the beauty of this solitude
it will be for someone else to gaze upon
i only hope they become as much part of it as i have for the past 8 years,
years for which i am most grateful,
i will not spend another winter here.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Cashier's Perspective

Nothing is as boring as it seems.
The monotony of scanning items and small talk
The coeds who never stop yapping on their cell phones no matter what
The soundtrack of songs chosen because of the appeal to the buying demographic
They keep coming and coming, buying more and more food
It is amazing what we consume in a small town
It is bizarre to think of a big city like Chicago and its consumption
Today a man kept yelling at his small son, badgering the boy who wanted a certain candy
I felt as much for the man as the boy in some way
He seemed unable to communicate in any other fashion, as if he was trapped somehow
Everyone was uncomfortable, and I sensed in myself what many were thinking, "He is not a fit parent!"
I could see it in the condeming eyes of the upscale housewives buying their beer and avocados
Their is so much drama in the human condition
Nothing is as boring as it seems.