Friday, July 17, 2009

50 Knots

i was inspired to wear the 'Jesus Prayer' rope on my wrist by a priest of the Eastern Rite Catholic tradition from Pennsylvania
he is never without his,
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner"
50 knots to meditate on throughout the day and night
i visited his parish in the small mining town last year
the rectory where he lives is filled with icons
it is a place of memory and reminders
i had never been to a an Eastern Rite Mass
everything is a song
there is much preparation by the priest
much work to be done, and very much prayer
even before the service begins
the smells of incense and the sound of chanting from behind the screen filled me with a sense of something ancient  untouched by the winds of time
nothing has changed in this liturgy for thousands of years
such beauty and purpose with every gesture and song
for Fr. Ron Hatton

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