Monday, August 24, 2009

Moses/ Tonight at 7

Here is the link for watching the show I will be on TONIGHT, Monday, August 24, 7:00 central.. The Journey Home

7:00 central, 8:00 eastern, 5:00 pacific

The channels for television:

Direc TV-------370

Dish Network-----261
you ever wonder what Moses must have felt when God told him he could not enter into the Promised Land?
he was allowed to see it from a mountain top
but couldn't go in
 Moses died soon thereafter.
the bible makes it clear that he was in great shape for a man of his age,
which seems to make this even more disconcerting.
Moses struck the rock. he acted without faith.
"faith without works is dead"
 works without faith is foolish.
i am not wondering about this as a theological matter,
i am curious about the man, a man just like you and me,
except of course he had face to face conversations with Jehova,
and he did all kind of tricks with a staff,
i wonder what was going on in the mind of the man.
it was a very heavy sentence, not a trial to go through and then move on kind of thing.
was Moses sad? was he angry? was he frustrated? was he confused? was he resigned? was he at peace with this?
if Moses could have done something to cause his not entering into the very place he was called to lead a nation, 
what does this mean for us?
Jesus didn't come to abolish the law, of which Moses was the lawgiver,
Jesus came to fulfill it.
 Jesus bringsGrace that helps us walk with God and do His will,
which involves keeping His commandments, (according to Jesus)
and St. Paul makes it clear that if we ignore this grace from heaven,
we will not enter in to THE Promised Land.
heavy stuff for a monday morning.

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