Sunday, September 20, 2009

Interrupting Emptiness

over the past week the letters in the Liturgy have been from Augustine
my patron
"He will lift you out of the sand and set you upon a rock!"
he pleads with his flock
life is serious
death is serious
grace is serious
our response to grace is eternal
i live in a college town
Augustine did too
a town of partying
but now, as then,
the gospel
the cross,
interrupts this emptiness,
all devils hates this,,,
this is a good thing...


Anonymous said...

Hey Brother,

Just letting you know, we are still out here listening. There are times during the week, when the journey gets hard, I will listen to some of your songs--it helps.

Praying for you and your ministry,
you are making a difference.

wesman music said...

thank you...Yahweh is mercifull..