Thursday, November 26, 2009

Eucharist (Thanksgiving)

the word, Eucharist,
means "thanksgiving"
when we receive Jesus,
Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity,
we do so in the "once and for all"
sacrifice of the "Thanksgiving"
we enter in to the eternal and ongoing
 thanksgiving of those gone before us,
those who are throwing their crowns at His feet right now!
Eucharistic living
is a life of gratitude
a life of gratitude is a radical life
this is the life Paul told the Thessalonians to live
"In all things giving thanks(Eucharist)"
God is a Poet
so Brilliant
so True
When Jesus commanded we "do this in remembrance",
He was giving us the True and Spiritual means of worship
He eluded to this when He spoke to the woman at the well.
Those who "worship in spirit and in truth",
would be the Eucharistic Church He would build
on Peter, it makes so much sense.
Thank You Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brother,

Just checking on you, looks like God is smiling on you.
Peace be with you