Sunday, February 7, 2010

true religion

true religion
according to Jesus
is to care for widows and orphans
religion has become a bad word in our time
the definition of religion:
"a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons
i used to say,
"i'm not religious, i'm spiritual"
what a self seeking goober
one thing we as believers in Jesus must have is a "specific fundamental set of beliefs"

all who walk in the religion of Jesus,
hold fast to the Apostles Creed,
a creed dating back in some cases to 180 A.D.
attributed to the 12 apostles, 12 lines of truth given by the men who hung with Jesus,
protected, passed down by the Church
the basic understanding of being a Christian
people who say they are Christian because they believe the bible are being incredibly vague
the bible says to cut off your hand, pluck out your eye,
that God is a bird, women should not speak in public, dance naked before the Lord in front of the assembly,
hate your parents, hate your children, etc.. 
it says a lot of things that without the guidance of the Church through the Holy Spirit,
are simply confusing, misleading, and at times bizarre
the creed is where we begin
without the creed, we become "spiritual" and eventually go rogue
and when someone takes a line out of the creed they don't like,
they are no longer apostolic in the understanding of Christianity
"rolling downhill like a snowball headed to hell.." --Merle Haggard
without accountability, without authority
no unity, no direction home
, leading others astray
i watched a show last night about religions of the world
a Catholic priest in Uganda talked about Muslim and Catholics making candy for orphaned children
Muslims passing it out on Ramadan to Catholic children
Catholics passing it out at Christmas to Muslim children
grace abounded
for a moment
laughter replaced murmuring

i guess Jesus knew what He was talking about..

for Richard Grant
and Glenn Heard, two of my dearest friends

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