inside every ringing ear,
there is the memory of silence..
inside every broken heart,
there is the memory of happiness..
we are fearfully and wonderfully made..
this is true for the physical as well as the spiritual,
Jesus is very often misunderstood as a new age guru,
but honestly,
he is not an easy guy to be around..
he is incredibly demanding,
and he does not always grant our request,
he is often silent, seemingly unconcerned,
in the gospels we see him calling a woman a dog,
we also see him calling others "white washed tombs"..
a term that would today be bleeped on network television..
He also never told anyone who chose to follow him they would be rich, fat, and happy..
in fact,
he told them the opposite,
he told them they would suffer if they wanted to belong to him,
if you gaze closely at our Beloved with honesty,
he is a very demanding dude..
and within every issue we face,
he walks with us,
promising nearness,
at not much else..
which he clearly believes should be enough..
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