Wednesday, March 30, 2011

John Wayne

If you ever find something that works
hang on to it.
Even if you have to pay more for it,
it's worth it.
My dad used to say this..
He was a simple man,
worked hard all of his life..
He had nice shotguns, horses, Chevy trucks, fly rods, boots, and hats.
His house wasn't much to look at,
he had one print hanging on the wall in his entire home....
John Wayne.
I asked him once why he only had this on picture hanging on the wall,
he looked at it and said,
"It reminds me of clearer and simpler times."
I wish I had that print.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Sing About Something Release!!!!!!

Well, the time is here. The new album is finished! Scott Partridge and I have been working on it for months now, and I am thankful and excited to tell you, the CD's are being duplicated! Scott Partridge is an answer to prayer for me. He heard the songs with a classical country ear, and he played the heck out of every instrument he picked up, which was a bunch of 'em! And his harmonies are sweet. Thank you Scott!The songs on this album mean a great deal to me. I hope you like them. This album is dedicated to my old man, James William Moore who passed in 2005, and to Spencer Partridge who passed in the midst of making this album. May they both rest in peace.

Got to  to pre-order the CD. It will be sent out to you the week of April 11. And please tell all your facebook buddies to join in..It would be great to sell out of the first 1000 within a week.. i believe it could happen..why not?

Thanks for all the support, and most of all,  thanks for being there.



Thursday, March 24, 2011


We live in a busy world
I watched the news this morning
seems like everybody's gone nuts..
Makes me want to go ride a horse..


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Old Country Music

I love old Country Music..

Ernest Tubb, Hank Williams Sr,
Lefty Frizzell, Mac Wiseman, Doc Watson,
Waylon, Willie, Johnny, Kris, Roger Miller, Faron Young,
if you listen closely to these guys,
you find they were and are the great American Poets..
Bob Dylan has nothing on these dudes..
They wrote about real life, real heartache, real love, real times..
And the sound they made is timeless.


Monday, March 21, 2011


walking through the woods 
Jack leaps over fallen logs,
looking for squirrels..
a family of deer watch us
I count 8 
they blend in so well with the trees..
there are probably more than 8..
we walk under a canopy of low hanging limbs into an opening,
a green field before us 
hundreds of Blackbirds cover the ground..
Jack runs toward them 
when they take off in unison they make a huge shadow on the ground,
for a moment blocking out the slow rising morning sun..
they alight in the large Oak ..


Sunday, March 20, 2011


music can change your direction
can get you moving,
like wind in a sail
it can influence the day
move the soul..
the mind..
the heart...
it can change the temperature in the room
change your perspective


Friday, March 18, 2011


Wes and I rode this morning...
I rode Texas, he rode Cisco..
Cisco was feeling frisky,
he had a hop in his step..
We rounded the bend in the woods,
before us was the big hill..
I asked Texas to gallop.
Wes asked Cisco to gallop.
Cisco decided he wanted to buck..
It was as close to riding a bucking bronc my son has ever been..
Cisco didn't crow-hop..
Back legs extended parallel to the ground,
eight feet above the ground,
his head tucked down between his knees,
he even snorted..
Wes hung on
After a few leaps and turns,
Wes got him moving forward..
I was on top of the hill watching this rodeo..
we had a great time..


Thursday, March 17, 2011

the laughing crow

There was a crow outside my window this morning
he was cawing in a fashion that sounded like a laugh
I carefully opened the drape for a closer look
He was only a couple of feet away on a branch with his back to me
His jet black feathers had a deep blue sheen 
they glistened in the morning sunlight
I was still and quiet, just watching him laugh
suddenly, in one hop he did a 180 and was looking me in the eye
he turned his head sideways to get a better look
I didn't blink..
he hopped closer to the window,
almost to the end of the branch
we were only inches apart..
my window was open,
only the screen stood between us..
I held my breath not wanting to scare him away..
I had never been this close to a raven..


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


the moment we embrace conflict
is the moment we begin to breathe
we hold our breath
not wanting to walk on eggshells
truth won't let us rest
it gnaws at our pretensions
it makes
our excuses uncomfortable

the sun was out today
a cool breeze blew
we watched the news about Japan
wondering what in the world the world is..

i miss simplicity
whether I ever knew it or not,
i miss it


Monday, March 14, 2011


He said:
"it's hard to trust people sometimes
you think they are for you,
act like a friend,
give the impression they like you,
but then one day you get that feeling..
like they have turned on you..
something has happened and they become an enemy..
they don't want you to succeed..
they want you gone..
and if you ask them about it..
they don't tell you the truth.."
we humans have to become pretty good poker players,
have to learn to keep our cards close to our chest..
there are a lot of swine out there just waiting for our pearls..


Sunday, March 13, 2011

riding bulls

I am watching Bull Riding on television..

these guys are tough..

tougher than anyone else in the world of sports

I wouldn't bet against them..

after they ride a perfectly cared for 2000 pound wild animal,
the animal then tries to kill them..
one guy just got bucked off and then ran for his life..
the bull he tried to ride is called "Diablo"...the Devil..
as he was running, the the devil chased him..
the bull put a horn under the cowboy's right arm..
then tossed the cowboy against the fence..
he looked like a rag doll..
if not for the "clowns" , the bull fighters,
who got the devil to chase them,
the cowboy would have been in serious trouble..
Bull riders are either crazy or incredibly brave,
probably both..
they would rather do this than work a normal job..
pretty cool...


Friday, March 11, 2011

the ribbon of life

the days are strange 
but then again
they always are
even when there are no tsunamis
even when it's 95 degrees and dry as a bone
I don't think we are ever supposed to forget..
that we are fearfully and wonderfully made..
that the ribbon of life is a thin little thing..
makes me want to go ride a horse.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

One Great Horse

they say God gives you one great horse in your life..
you may have a bunch of good ones,
but there will be one unlike all the rest..
at least you hope..
or then again,
what if you get that one good horse too early in life,
and don't realize it..
don't appreciate it fully..
were too young and full of yourself to embrace it,
you knew it all..
looking back now you know you didn't know much of anything.
you wonder about that 3 year old Sorrel you had 10 years ago,
the one with more grit and heart than you had ever seen,
the older you get the more you know you don't know a lot.
is being sure of everything what it's all about anyway?
One great horse...
sounds like a song..


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


ashes ashes we all fall down
ashes on the forehead
hundreds of people in line
when you think about it,
this one moment in the human condition,
being reminded of death is embraced
ashes to ashes
dust to dust
we are all in this together
everyone will disappear
receiving the ashes is somehow comforting
a preparation for the vanishing
repentance is a beautiful thing..


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

makes you wonder

have you ever woke up and felt like something had changed?
somehow overnight something happened..
there is a new light in the room
a new wind blowing
you get dressed 
have a cup of coffee
check on the horses
feed the dogs and cats
breathe in the March morning air..
start the truck and turn on the radio..
you can't shake the feeling,
even your dog feels it..
you can tell by the way he looks at you..
it makes you wonder..
