Friday, March 25, 2011

Sing About Something Release!!!!!!

Well, the time is here. The new album is finished! Scott Partridge and I have been working on it for months now, and I am thankful and excited to tell you, the CD's are being duplicated! Scott Partridge is an answer to prayer for me. He heard the songs with a classical country ear, and he played the heck out of every instrument he picked up, which was a bunch of 'em! And his harmonies are sweet. Thank you Scott!The songs on this album mean a great deal to me. I hope you like them. This album is dedicated to my old man, James William Moore who passed in 2005, and to Spencer Partridge who passed in the midst of making this album. May they both rest in peace.

Got to  to pre-order the CD. It will be sent out to you the week of April 11. And please tell all your facebook buddies to join in..It would be great to sell out of the first 1000 within a week.. i believe it could happen..why not?

Thanks for all the support, and most of all,  thanks for being there.



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