Sunday, August 14, 2011


Coffee is a stimulate
Wine is a stimulate
Mountain Dew is a stimulate
Five Hour Energy is a stimulate
Cayenne Pepper is a stimulate..
Red Bull..
Music stimulates..
Religion, ( or as many prefer to call it, "Spirituality) stimulates.. 
but is not the "Opium of the people"
if it were..
Religious folks might get along better..might be more easy going..
religion's affects can be observed in various aspects of life,
in friendship, life occupation, world view, politics..
it can stimulate an obscene ego driven sensation to believe one is "destined" for a higher calling...
or lively music and charismatic speakers can tickle (stimulate) the ears..
Dark chocolate is a stimulate
I like dark chocolate, 
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
to experience stimulation..
in a multitude of forms..
Built for stimulation,
built to "get high", if you will..
made in His image..
and He is always recognized as the One high above us..
The Great Stimulator of our needy stimulateable souls
"our hearts won't rest until they rest in Thee"...St. Augustine

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