Monday, March 12, 2012

Clouds (with photo)

I am sitting on the back porch looking through the screen..

you know, i never thought a screen could be a participant in expression

but look at those clouds there in the skiy..

they are given swirl, color, and motion by the screen i am shooting through.

Could this be art? Is this not expression?

Possibly, "art" is everywhere in every moment..

We sing, paint, build, decorate, imagine..

When we try to define expression (art),

the explanation falls flat.

I see Spring coming in those thick magnificant clouds without rain,

there is more light in them than i have seen since Septmeber,

you probably see it too.

I sense more and more that ALL expression is about that ancient idea, "The Image of God".

Walk outside and look at any tree; perfect, bent, broken,,brilliant..beguiling..

look down at the ground..grass or pavement, rocks or dirt,,, it's all saying something...

Whether one writes, sings, builds, pulls teeth, paints, sells things,  encourages,  doctors, nurses, accountant, cattle rustler, horseman, priest, televangelist, prison gaurd, mother, pilot, porn star, hunter, fisherman, drywall man,  boxer, sportsmen, waitress, producer, teacher, jury administrater, military, president, dictator..whatever dude.

Even dogs express..Even cats..Even frogs by the pond.

Stars sing while they reflect the light....

but of course,, you know all of this.

All i know is these clouds meshed with this screen is an enchanting moment..



Oxford Ms.

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