Saturday, July 18, 2015


Terror is losing steam.
Terror is meant to be a surprise.
Terror is meant to be unnerving. 
Now, we know everything. 

We know who kills. 
We know their thoughts. 
We know they could strike anytime.
We expect them to. 

Terror has lost this dimension, 
We are no longer freaked out by "it". 
Yes, it kills us, lames us, scares us. 
But, something else is happening to us. 

Our leaders knows terror. 
They represent us in your towns and cities.
To you, Jack destroyed your Nation.
Jane killed your children at the wedding in Bajaur.

A terrorist mimics memories.
He becomes numb over time. 
Killing is the drug that makes him feel.
But in doing so, he only spreads numbness. 

Now we are becoming numb.
Soon, will we be a people of boredom too?
Bored with the surprise of our children dying daily?
Then, will we strap on bombs to feel something?

Oh Terror, you have become a fabric we wear. 
You have become an old shoe. 
A shoe thrown at a ducking president.
A shoe thrown at a fucking president. 

At this level of theology,
A gong and cymbal never stop crashing.
Love becomes terror. 
Terror becomes love.  


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