Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lay People

someone in San Francisco asked me,
"who books you to go play around the country?"
"Lay people", i replied
people like Jim and Rayna King
who saw me on the Journey Home program on EWTN,
and Jim decided he wanted to help
He put my entire trip together for the two weeks in California!
it's amazing how all of this stuff happens
Jaby Denton is a cotton farmer here in Mississippi
we became good friends not long after we moved to Oxford
he is a dreamer and loves Jesus dearly, he put up the funds for "Soul",
he believed it was worth hearing
nothing i am doing now would be possible without Jaby's vision
then came Christina Fleury,
who met Dana, the Irish singer, in a bathroom a year before i met Christina on line
i met her the week "Soul" came out
Because of Christina and her fiery determination,
because of her kindness and desire to serve our Beloved,
i ended up on EWTN twice whcih led to Jim King and California,
and now I am told i may be on "Life on the Rock" this spring,
she also got me shows with the "Catholic Underground" in New York and PA
Christina insisted Renee and I go to Stuebenville OH the summer of 2008
i played one song at the"Defending the Faith" weekend at Franciscan University after Jeff Cavins spoke,
Jeff was so kind to ask me,
after i played the song "Is It Me",
Renee and i met a young woman named Jean Tillery
she and her husband's desire for the youth and adults of their parish in Virginia got me to Virginia,
i had written the album "Beloved" and was scheduled to go to Vancouver to record it,
(thanks to the kindness and vision of a man in Vancouver i still have never met,
but also because of an old friend and producer, Roy Salmond,, this is making my head spin)
but Jean Tillery is the reason "Beloved" is being heard and available to the public
her kindness, contibution, and vision are an inspiration
as are Blake Hill's, my dear friend and artist who does my website and art work
as is Greg Michaud in Michigan,
he was a seminarian at Mundelien in Chicago,
he put together a show there where i met Fr. Robert Barron who spoke at the show
Greg felt led to buy "Soul" cd's so he could give them away ,
his friendhsip is balm to my soul, he is now a priest, hallelujah!
and SARGE!, the man i met on the Pilgrimage to Turkey and Greece with Jeff Cavins
Dick Meisenbacher ( Sarge) and his wife Anne brought me to New Jersey a few weeks ago,
what an incredible time, what an amazing guy is Sarge!
Lay People who want to spread the good news of Jesus
so far, these are my booking agents, my producers, my managers,
normal folk who want to spread the news of God's crazy love,
i am truly and deeply grateful for their help and encouragement,
and for those yet to come
we are all in this together for our Beloved,
to have me come to your area, shoot me an email


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