Tuesday, January 26, 2010

a lot of foo foo stuff

sunshine all day yesterday
i walked for an hour
back in Bel Air now
San Francisco was an amazing experience
one i will never forget
the sun felt good on my face as i walked
i thought about Renee and Wes
my dog Jack
i asked their angels to protect them
had nothing on the schedule
so i drove down into Sherman Oaks
the mall there is pretty lame
nothing but fancy stores
no real-people stores
a lot of foo foo stuff
but i saw some homeless folks
they were loving the sunshine
pushing their grocery carts down the sidewalk of Ventura Blvd
one lady smiled and tipped her hat to a man in a suit
she stopped her cart to let him pass
we live in a crazy world

Sherman Oaks, CA

In Jesus,

To have Keith come to your area, contact him for details at moorkeith@gmail.com

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