the Church of Jesus is His Body
He is the Head
He has one head
He told the apostles,
"let the weeds grow with the wheat",
He knows the heart of man
there is always going to be scandal
and in this,
we pray for grace and mercy,
justice and truth
we don't throw the baby out with the bath water..
we don't set fire to the wheat along with the weeds
when the smoke of Satan is in our midst,
we must cry for mercy
the gates of hell are raging today
and they seem pretty dang powerful,
cause sometimes the weeds seem to have a foothold,
the wheat seems to be strangled
but He is the Head
His body willl not be burned in the fire
the weeds will,
but not the wheat
so we must pray and strive not to be weeds
cause one day the angels will come to gather the harvest,
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