today's reading begins in Sodom
a place that sounds very familiar to our times,
It's a city about to implode within a culture of death
but what stands out in the reading is Mercy..
God says, basically, He wants to go down there,
wants to check out what is going on for Himself,
which is odd, you know, He's omniscient..
so anyway,
He checks it out and finds a badly depraved city,
so He tells Abraham He's going to destroy it,
Abe knows Lot is there and some other members of his family,
(I guess God forgot about this)
So Abraham starts a very amusing dialogue with God,
"If there are 100 righteous, would you relent?"
God says Yes, He would relent..
Abe says, How about 50?
God says Yes, He would relent..
Finally Abe says 10..
God keeps saying Yes, He would relent..
so God waits till Lot and his family are safe,
even Lot's wife who just had to look back..
this shows clearly that our prayers for others matter,
that we can plead someone else's case for them..
it shows that God is a caring Father,
not a white bearded tyrant in the sky with his finger on the button,
He is not a republican or a democrat!
He desires mercy..
even while justice rains down,
the crucifix proves it..
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