Sunday, July 20, 2008


Will it! When you don't feel like doing God's Will, will it! And if you fail, ask forgiveness. Get back up. Go on, don't sit in pity and false humility, move on! Jesus never pandered to anyone's pity, He responded to their cries for mercy, their honest heartfelt cries for sight, for healing, for guidance. The ones who tried to trick Him never got Him. It is the same today. He may not give us what we want, or then again, He might.. Do we want Him? The things we want are just things, jobs, success, blah freaking blah! He wants us to want Him. To long for His presence as the deer pants for water. He wants us to hear His continual knock on the door of our soul and for us to open the gate so that the King may come in!! Who is this King of Glry?, He is Jesus!! He is our Lover and we are His bride! Mercy!

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