Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Storm Coming

In the deep south there is one thing we can count on, heat and humidity. Someone once asked me why there are so many writers from Oxford Ms, I told them it is probably because of the weather. This makes no sense unless you live here for 365 days in a row. It's like watching paint dry for 300 of those days, and then nature makes up for the boredom with thunder storms that can cause a full grown man turn to writing down his thoughts. Jesus was talking to the crowd one day about weather. The Pharisees and Sadducee's were trying to trip Him up again. They wanted a sign. This was right after He had fed four thousand plus with seven loaves and a fish! (Seems like a pretty good sign.) But they didn't want the truth, they wanted Him gone. He rebuked them for being able to read the evening and morning sky to predict the days weather but not be able to see what He was showing them and thus accept the new weather of the Kingdom. They didn't want the rain of healing, the wind of forgiveness, the dry hot days of loving your enemies, the humid nights of private prayer and humility, the winter storm of dying to self, and the drought of carrying your cross... this is the Kingdom that Jesus brought. This is our Kingdom today. We must read the signs and know the weather of this eternal Kingdom we call our own. Every day we have this weather in our lives, and like the leaders of Jesus' day, sometimes want a different sign. He ended up telling them that the only sign they would get would be the sign of Jonah. And even after He rose from the dead, they still couldn't see the new storm coming!

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