Water is such a simple wonder. The grass is made greener by its touch. Thirst is quenched. Dirt is washed away... Jesus walked on water. He turned water into wine. The Ethiopian Eunuch had Phillip baptize him in water as soon as they saw the pool by the side of the road. It is easy to forget that God is Sacramental in His dealings with man. He uses the very tangible things in our lives to impart His grace. Water, such a vibrant part of life, made holy by the Holy Spirit through the words "In the Name of the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit"is then used to wash away the stain of original sin. A black spot on the soul that has been there since the day of birth, a stain passed down from Adam, and then Jesus, the new Adam comes, the spotless Lamb, and is baptized in the Jordan, pointing toward the new Sacrament that cleanses the dismal stain. This simple act takes place every single time someone believes that Jesus is Lord in the New Testament. In the book of Acts, a Roman guard believes and is baptized, and not just he alone, but his entire family. After Peter's sermon in the 2nd chapter of Acts, thousand are baptized. It seems too important to simply be a symbol, at least to the early Church. After our Lord's death, the soldier pierced His side and what came forth? Blood and Water. Blood to be our real drink in the Eucharist, and Water, to cleanse our souls and initiate us into His family, to circumcise the happy soul born anew of water and the Spirit. Ready now to journey toward the Kingdom of God.
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