Today we visited Corinth. Incredible! We celebrated Mass where the early Church that St. Paul founded celebrated Mass. Jeff spoke from 1 Corinthians and I will never be able to read this letter the same again. St. Paul told this young parish that he was their father in the faith. They were his children, and they were living in one of the most sinful cities in the world. His love and concern for their sanctification is palpable. He starts his letter preaching the cross, he ends it with the resurrection. In between is the battle between good and evil, and the way to truly worship God. The apex of the letter is the Eucharist. In a city where there was so much wrong worship, St. Paul taught them how to approach the only True sacrifice that matters. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, the way to worship in our world of idols is still the same as in Corinth, the Feast of His Body and Blood. Hallelujah!
Athens, Greece

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