Many poets are not poets for the same reason that many religious are not saints: they never succeed in being themselves. They never get around to being the particular poet or particular monk they are intended to be by God.--Thomas Merton, from "New Seeds of Contemplation", chapter 14
This is huge to consider. And this has nothing to do with some new age idea of finding oneself. This is has to do with humility and integrity. Merton goes on to say that we are called through our own individual struggles and circumstances in life. This is the garden where God is growing us. Jesus came that we might have life, but what life? He doesn't want you to be anyone else. He made each of us to be His in a particular way. How incredible to consider! Where do we begin this? We begin on our knees before the blessed Sacrament. Ask Him to show you what He wants. Have no preconceptions. Don't just do this once or twice, do it often. And after you ask, stay there in silence for a bit before you go. The more you plead with Jesus to help you be who He wants you to be, the more you will not settle for anything else. Don't get in a big hurry either, this is about Him working in us, and His timing is perfect.( sometimes frustrating, but perfect) He is serious about your purpose in life. And as Fr. Barron says, "Your life is not about you; yes, it is your life, but it's not about you." If we ever understand and embrace this, we will begin to understand the freedom of detachment. We will be on the good road to being the particular person He made us to be, and this will not be boring.
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