Saturday, March 7, 2009


We are all in the same boat; and we're all seasick.--G.K. Chesterton
As far as Chesterton is concerned, the relevant distinction is not between sinners and non-sinners, but rather between sinners who know it and those who don't.--Fr. Robert Barron, from "The Strangest Way"
And even though I know who loves me, I'm not that much less lost.--Bruce Cockburn, "Civilization and it's Discontents"
There is much to say for knowing who we are in this journey of faith. We must never think more highly of ourselves than we should. The subtle workings of pride will cast us further away from our Beloved Jesus than anything else. "When the light within us is darkness, how great is that darkness."--Jesus
G.K. Chesterton, convert to Catholicism

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