Cara looked around for a priest,
but no one else was in the sanctuary,
only the teenagers, and a few older ladies..
she took a deep breath and walked toward the man.
He raised his head and stared at her..
"Who are you? Why are you following me?"
the man reached in his coat,
he pulled out a white envelope,
it had her name written in blue,
"Your father knows you are looking for him...
He hired me to keep an eye on you.."
she took the envelope and opened it,
"Dear Cara, I am sorry I can't see you..
I really want to, but it is not possible right now..
Joe is the man I hired to keep an eye on you..
This is a dangerous town for a young girl all alone,
you can trust him, I have known him for a long time.
go back home and when I can I will contact you.
I love you very much..
Cara sat down next to Joe..
Why can't he see me, where is he?"
Joe told her that her father was in a situation where he must stay hidden..
some very bad men were looking for him,
and she was in danger as long as she stayed in New Orleans..
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