Tuesday, August 10, 2010


the segue from sleeping to waking was smooth sitting in the office now waiting for coffee the sound of silence engulfs this cave, this bunker... i have to admit i like it.. in one corner i have a reminder of God's mercy, in another, books of poetry and a few novels.. in another corner a painting by the artist, accordion player, Jeff Johnson.. and then finally a photograph of my loves.. mercy comes in many disguises for me, it has come before as sickness, also , it has come in not being sure how to pay bills, once it came as great anxiety that shook my world.. and sometimes it comes painted bright blue like a cool autumn sky.. and in all of this, we are children with a Father, our elder brother has gone before us.. mercy came to Him disguised as a cross, and he chose it without waver, in a garden.. even though he was scared, sorrowful, filled with anxiety, he stood up and said what his very own mother had said 33 years before, fiat! wkm Nasville

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