she walked through the crowd
the atmosphere festive
some people were dancing
the phone in her pocket vibrated
"this is Cara.."
as she spoke to a friend,
she noticed a man watching her from across the street..
he lowered his gaze,
turning to his right as if not interested..
she moved on toward the church,
the St. Louis Cathedral was only a block away..
it was beautifully silent inside the amazing structure,
the smell of incense calmed her mind..
a different world from the streets of New Orleans,
a solace in the storm..
candles were lit throughout and one red candle near the Tabernacle..
after genuflecting,
she made her way to the kneeling rail,
her rosary clasped between her hands..
"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee,
blessed are thou among women,
and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus."
the man entered from a side door,
made his way to the back pew and sat down..
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