think about it..
Yahweh Elohim Jehovah
allows Himself to become a baby
puking peeing pooping drooling
man, that is crazy..
you know?
but think of this..
He is born in Bethlehem
which still exists today..
The word Bethlehem means..
"House of Bread"
what do we do with Bread?
Do we have faith in it?
Do we worship it?
we eat it..
He is also laid in a manger..
do you know what a manger is?
it is a feeding trough for animals..
it is where they eat..
the Guy Who eventually says,
"Take and eat, this is my Body"
"Take and drink, this is my Blood"
in the moment He enters our sphere.
is laid in a food trough..
God makes no mistakes..
He allows Himself to become our food..
which is so incredibly amazing..
His desire is to be our very sustenance...
it makes all the sense in the world,
and at the same time no sense whatsoever!
what incredible mystery is this faith we are given!!
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