Thursday, December 30, 2010


Snow blanketed the piny woods,
big thick heavy flakes fell in slow motion upon the rolling hills,
"I've never see it like this before." He spoke to Cisco..
The wind blew steady from the north,
"There he is boy."
The young bull was huge.
He seemed larger in the snow,
His jet black winter coat contrasting with the blinding white landscape,
"He is something ain't he?"
Jesse loosed the rope from it's leather straps,
he meant only to use it as something to wave in front of the Angus..
he had no intention of roping the giant..
They moved around the herd so as to turn them toward the barn.
working slowly..
"Easy boy, suc suc suc cow..move along..eeeeasy.."
the big Angus took a step toward the barn,
moving a few feet ahead of the small herd following.
Suddenly, a shotgun blast from the woods shattered the quiet..
it sounded like they were no more than 50 yards away..
"Hey!" Jesse yelled and moved Cisco toward the woods..
"Stop shooting, you got cows and calves out here in this field!"
Another shotgun blast rang out..
At this point the bull and cows were running in the wrong direction..
He let the herd go..focusing instead on the poachers..

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