many religious intellectuals believe Luke chapter 2 a myth
akin to how Hebrew scholars read the story of Adam and Eve
a myth with eternal truths and windows into seeing God
many don't accept the Virgin birth,
here is the problem with these reasonable views of Luke 2..
they remove the most important Truth..
if Jesus was not born of a Virgin,
by the Holy Spirit,
if He was just a man,
just a good teacher...
then He was insane
He often called Himself "I Am".."Before Abraham, I AM"
the same thing God told Moses when Moses asked God's name..
if He is not fully God and fully man,
then we who believe are insane..
Christmas is about the INCARNATION..
God chose to come to this world through Mary..
not Elizabeth or Judy or Amy..
this is why understanding Mary is still so vital in our world..
the early Church battled these reasonable ideas too
the debate over Jesus' nature..
the argument over Mary's virginity
this is why the earliest Churches were named in Mary's honor..
not to worship Mary,
but to make it clear to everyone,
Jesus the Lord was born of a virgin by the Spirit of God..
making it clear He was fully God fully man.
her importance lies in her Son..
we don't meditate enough on this..
we read it aloud around the table at Christmas dinner almost myth-like..
if we really meditated on this for hours, days, weeks,
something beautiful will grow inside us
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