Thursday, January 6, 2011


The bull was not on the front porch sitting in the swing,
He was standing by the gate leading to the pasture,

bellowing for the coeds with all his might.
The cows were grouped together near the north fence line,
singing back to him with one voice.
The snow was coming down pretty steady,
"What is the deal with this weather?"
Jesse parked the truck and trailer just beyond the paddock.
He saddled Cisco and walked him out of the barn,
He climbed in the saddle and slowly moved toward the bull.
His plan was to get bully back into the paddock and leave him there for the night.
When the bull saw Jesse and Cisco coming he turned and faced them..
The big black Angus put his head down and blew the snow covered ground with his flaring nostrils..
a volcano ash of snow flew up in the air around his head and shoulders.
"I think that crazy thing is about to charge us boy."
As soon as he finished his sentence the bull charged.
Cisco braced and put his ears back, waiting for a signal from Jesse..
Jesse had opened the gate to the paddock before saddling Cisco..
the gate was about 10 feet behind them to the left..
He quickly backed Cisco through the open gate,  the bull kept coming.
Once they were all in the paddock Jesse spun Cisco around as good as any Reigning horse in competition,
The horse was too fast for the bull and they circled him in a split second..
As he and Cisco raced through the gate they turned on a dime and Jesse swung the gate closed from the saddle..
Just as it latched the bull butted the gate with his head..
He turned back toward the center of the corral,
mad at the world.

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