"Hello Anne, you know your supposed to have a leash for Russ.."
Anne went to school with Jane the lady parking cop,
"Since when?"
"Since the beginning of the month after old lady Johnson complained.."
Old lady Johnson hates animals..she is a strange woman..
"She wrote the mayor and threatened to sue if he didn't enact a Leash Law..,
She was walking to her car out at the Walmart and a dog came up to her."
"Did it attack her or growl or anything?"
"Nope, just came over to her and then walked away."
"She went nuts, screamed, jumped in her car and tried to run it over,
then she drove like a bat out of hell to the mayor's office."
"Well you know Russ has never even seen a leash Jane, and he is 4 years old."
"You gonna have to teach him Anne, I have been told to hand out citations for this,
and there ain't no warning, 150.00!"
"Well, I guess I will go buy a leash then, it would break his heart not to go with me everywhere."
Anne went into Square Books and Russ stayed right by her side as always.
The owner of the bookstore walked over to Anne,
"Hello Anne, how is Jesse?"
"He is fine, he's out working on Steve's place today."
"Anne, I am going to have to ask you not to bring Russ in here anymore."
"Well Richard, he has been coming in here with me for 4 years and never caused a bit of trouble,
and y'all don't serve food, what is the big deal?"
"I am sorry Anne, but dogs are no longer welcomed."
"Well I guess I will start buying my books on Amazon Richard, where Russ can sit right next to me on the couch."
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