Anne called Jesse's cell phone..
no answer..
she put on her hat and coat,
walked out to the barn..
The red horse, Texas, was waiting by the gate..
she saddled him and rode out looking for Jess..
She saw the bull mingling with the cows,
Jesse was nowhere to be found..
She checked her cell phone,
the screen read,
"missed call"..
She called him back without checking who had called..
"Hey, i am on my way back, be there in a minute.."
He explained the past hour and a half with Mr. Crockett..
"I will wait here, maybe I can help with this bull."
She pulled her collar up and her hat down tight..
the wind had picked up again.
Jesse road up next to her..
"We need to move them slowly to the catch pen by the barn."
Anne shook her head and moved out to the left around the herd..
He moved around to the right flank..
when they got them to the barnyard Jess turned back and closed the gate leading to the field..
He galloped back to Anne's side..
"I'm going to hook up the trailer and back it up to the pen,
we will try and coax him into the trailer with some hay."
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