Christ prays for us, prays in us, is prayed to by us. He prays for us as our Priest; He prays in us as our Head, is prayed to by us as our God. We therefore recognize our voice in Him and His in us. ----St. Augustine (5th century)
In the book of Hebrews we learn that Jesus is our Great High Priest. We also learn that He is our Sacrifice. He is both Priest and Victim. Why? Why do we need a priest and a victim? Why did God use this kind of language and liturgy for an explanation of how we are saved? It has to do with His Holiness and His justice. Since Eve and Adam grasped at being like God, God began preparing the world to recognize His perfect love and desire for us in the Incarnation, in receiving Him as a human, gaining His flesh through the Virgin Mary. The more one mediates on this, the more amazing it is! What does a priest do? He offers prayers and sacrifice. Jesus offers Himself for us all. He is the sinless Lamb of God. Every single Mass is an entering in to this Sacrifice. It is not the re-crucifying of Jesus, it is the re-membering that Jesus commanded we do. Mass is prayer. The first part is the Word of God, the second part is the Eucharist, the re-membering and entering in to His Sacrifice for our sins. It is THE intimate communion with God. It is a moment that happens every day all around the world in every language ,where we get to join with Heaven and sing Holy Holy Holy with the angels and Saints. We are His body! Glory to God!!
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