Thursday, October 16, 2008

True Life

I have come that you may have life.---Jesus
One of the many teachings of Fr. Robert Barron that comes to mind often is that God loves us into being. God did not need to make us. He has no need whatsoever. He is complete and entire within Himself. He was not lonely or bored when He decided to create the world and humanity. He did all of this simply because He loves, He is love itself. He created man with free will to choose life and love, but man chose death and true life ended. Man grasped instead of trusting what God had said. After the fall of Eve and Adam, God immediately begins to restore us. He tells our first parents that the Seed of a woman will be the hope of redemption. Jesus comes through Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit, fully man and fully God, fully alive! He says He came to bring us His life. Our sin sick souls need this Physician. Once again, God is loving us into being. . God's will is for man to be fully alive. Jesus called this abundant life.  Once we start to understand even a minute bit of this love for us, we will burn with desire for our Beloved. Our souls will hunger for the life Jesus came to restore us to. Without Him we can do nothing. Apart from His Body and Blood, there is no life.  John 6.

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