There is, of course, great gain in religion----provided one is content with a sufficiency.-----St. Paul to Timothy, the first letter chapter 6.
We have been through years of attacks on the relevance of religion. We have heard and said things like, 'Christianity is a relationship, not a religion.' And the media attacks organized religion every chance it gets, pointing out the failures, but never the successes and good it does. We have grown up in a generation that is weary of religion. St. Paul and Jesus saw religion as very important. Jesus said 'true religion is caring for widows and orphans.' St. Paul tells us there is 'of course, great gain in religion.' True religion is a good thing, it gives us right doctrine, ritual and tradition that allows our relationship with Jesus to mature and deepen. Religion is like the branches on the tree of relationship with Jesus, it allows us to climb out of ourselves and ego, and see the world from a higher perspective of grace and service. True religion does this. It gives us avenues to help others, together, not as lone rangers. It allows us to be family, with all of our warts, personality differences, different backgrounds, race, language, etc... The devil hates true religion.
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