Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Meditate on the Life of Jesus

The depth of our understanding is up to God. We can never mediate too much on the sufferings of Jesus, the Annunciation, the Resurrection, the Ascension, Jesus' time in the garden of Gethsemane, the wedding at Cana, or any of the mysteries of the Rosary. Remember, when you pray the Rosary, you are meditating on the life of Jesus through the eyes of Mary. What better eyes to see Him with! No one else could have the eyes of that moment when the angel Gabriel came to tell her that she would give birth to the King, the moment when God breaks into time and takes on flesh. We must humble ourselves when we pray the Rosary and say, 'Dear mother, help me to see and love Jesus like you, for your love was both as an obedient disciple and loving mother.' For Jesus said, "who is my mother, brother,....the ones who hear the word of God and do it." No one ever fulfilled this better than Mary. She heard the word of God through the angel and did it. So let us be faithful to meditate on the life of Jesus and ask God to deepen our understanding of Himself. The more we know Him and His Father, the more we know eternal life.

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