Thursday, January 22, 2009

Don't think Twice....

But we cannot pray "at all times" if we do not pray at specific times, consciously willing it.--St. Teresa of Avila
Don't think twice, it's alright.--Bob Dylan
Do you not feel like setting aside time to pray your prayers today? Is it hard to bow your head? Do you think you are the only child of God to ever feel like this? Do not think that St. Augustine or St. Therese always felt like praying. Don't imagine that St. Francis did not struggle with God, or that St. John of the Cross did not have days where he was tempted to ignore his time alone with his invisible Beloved. We will have days when we do not feel like going to Mass, praying the Rosary, or doing the "spiritual" things. We will have days where we don't feel like spending time alone with Jesus. If today is one of those days, go and pray anyway. Go and spend time with Him anyway. Don't think twice, it's alright.

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