Sunday, January 25, 2009

Even then....

With God there is nothing without purpose, nothing without its meaning and reason.---St. Irenaeus, bishop, 2nd century
This is so easy to say, but, it is another thing to truly believe. "...there is nothing without purpose.",  this is hard for someone who just lost their job. It is hard for someone who just found out that they, or someone they love, has a fatal disease. It's hard for someone who has great hope that God is calling them but nothing ever seems to work out. There are so many things that seem to have no purpose other than to beat us down. This is why we must keep the cross ever before us. I am thankful the rosary has a crucifix waiting at the end of the prayers. If you are reading this, you have not yet tasted the resurrection, you are still walking with me among the crosses. We need these crosses, for they allow us to become one with our Lord in all things even as He became one with us in all things. This is sometimes the only sense our crosses will make, and even then, it is damn hard.

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