I imagine that St. Paul would make things very uncomfortable for many of us Christians were he walking the earth today. He was over the top for Jesus. He was radical! His desire for Jesus was all consuming. He was a devout Jew devoted to Jesus. He may have been the most detached man that ever lived. Everything he had ever accomplished he counted as dung compared to knowing Jesus. He told his "children" in the faith to, "follow me as I follow Christ.", and this means that we are to consider his way of following Jesus. None of us gentiles would know Jesus if it were not for St. Paul, so in this we too are his "children." What are some ways we can mimic Paul? He counted all things loss compared to the riches he gained in Jesus. He knew nothing among his listeners but Jesus Christ crucified. He preached the cross. He said it was no longer he who lived but Christ Who lived in him. He longed to be at home with the Lord. Everything was about Jesus, especially when he told the Corinthians to never receive the Lord's Body and Blood as if it were merely bread and wine. St. Paul wants us to follow him, and if we do, we will find Jesus in a way we never imagined.
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