Saturday, January 24, 2009

The understanding..

..the measure of a man's love for God depends on how deeply aware he is of God's love for him.--Diadochus of Photice, bishop
This understanding is The understanding of our lives. Mother Teresa is a great example of this. Because she understood how deeply and madly she was loved by God, she was able to love deeply and madly the least loved. Her love for the loveless and forgotten was her way of loving her God whom she could not see. No matter which Saint you choose to build a relationship with, you will find they had this as the foundation of their existence. They understood how loved they were. If we meditate on this, first by gazing intently upon the Passion of Jesus, we could live to be 200 years old and never even get close to embracing it. But the more we meditate and contemplate this truth, the less we will sin, the less time we will waste, the more we will help others, and the more we will be able to laugh at the devil when he tries to beat us down by reminding us of our inability to love perfectly. We can say to him with great confidence, " Yes, I am a wretch, but His love for me is greater than my wretchedness!"

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