Friday, February 6, 2009


Inspiration is brief, sporadic, and rare.--Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
What inspires you? What is it that makes you feel alive? Is there something you aspire to in your daily struggle? The inspiration that Rabbi Heschel was referring to is more than some kind of shallow want. True inspiration comes from God, and when we are inspired by God, we no longer see the world the same way. Mother Teresa was inspired to quench the thirst of Jesus on the cross. She heard Him say to her, "I thirst." She realized that the lonely, and those dying in the streets of Calcutta were Jesus Himself thirsting on the cross. This was inspiration! God wants to inspire each of us to something other than our own little dreams of self glory. How pitiful are our little selfish desires! His desires for us will change us forever, and a life abandoned to Him will be inspiring to others as well.

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