Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stolen Child

Come away, stolen child, to the water and the wild, for the world's more full of weeping than ye can understand.---W.B. Yeats
This is an incredible moment in the history of humans. The world is full of weeping, and the children are being stolen away. Innocence is a memory. Our new president just reinstated the "Mexico City Act", which will allow our tax dollars to go toward funding abortions across the border. It was reported that he did this on a Friday afternoon so the media wouldn't notice.  There is a great darkness spreading over our country. The soul of this nation is filled with greed, worship of self, and relativism. What do we do? How do we stop this genocide? How can we make abortion uncool so that Hollywood and the media will stand against it? Can you imagine what would happen if Brittany Spears, Woopie Goldberg, Brad Pitt, Kanye West, and Bruce Springsteen started speaking out against killing babies in the womb? Abortion is not just about the babies who are being slaughtered, it is also about what we have become in this "Christian" nation. There seems to be very little urgency to our Christianity these days. The lack of unity among believers doesn't help. Read the Saints who died through the ages, or more recently, look at the Catholic priests in Iraq who are dying instead of closing the doors to the Mass. We are all going to be judged for this. We might want to start taking any and every opportunity do something for the unborn.  This is a bizarre reality, but if we could get Stephen Colbert and John Stewart to attack abortion like they attacked George Bush, we could probably save a lot of children. Our economy will suffer even worse if this culture of death grows stronger, stimulus or not.
Click to show "William Butler Yeats" result 10

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