Thursday, September 18, 2008

Laughing at the Mirror

We must to be able to laugh at ourselves. We must not take ourselves too serious. G.K. Chesterton said, "The reason Angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." Proverbs says that laughter does the heart good. Some of the funniest experiences and takes on the daily struggle are recorded in the lives of the Saints. One day St. Teresa of Avila was crossing a stream and she fell, landing in the mud. She prayed to the Lord, "If this is the way You treat Your friends, no wonder You have so few." We must take our love for God and others very serious and walk in the fear of the Lord, but we must also realize we have miles to go in our journey to union with The Trinity. Fear of the Lord is not about some mean God up in the sky who is out to get me, but is a deep respect for God, His power, mercy, grace, and justice. He is Creator, we are creature. We must have a mind aware of the need for His guidance and help in every aspect of life. The happiest people are the ones who have this fear of God, are detached from the world, and don't take themselves so serious. They take love for God and neighbor deeply serious, while often laughing at what they see in the mirror.

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