Sunday, September 7, 2008

Soul Surrender

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.. Jesus
The Hebrew language often used images to express meaning. The word "meek" was the image of a great and powerful Stallion guided and controlled with a simple bridle. Think of it, all of that strength, beauty, and speed held within the hands of the rider. All of that raw energy being harnessed for a purpose. This gives meekness a new take. So often the idea of being meek is of being weak. No. Was Jesus weak? He was the meekest soul that ever walked the earth. Fully God and fully Man, yet He fully surrendered to His Father's will. Paul says "He emptied Himself...", this is meekness. Being meek is a decision we make daily to surrender our lives to the Lord. To give him the reigns of our lives and let Him use our strengths, gifts, and talents to serve Him and our neighbor. Then the earth becomes our inheritance, because we are guided by the hands of the One Who created it. (another attitude of detachment and trust. Matthew 6:33) This is the meek soul, a soul totally surrendered to Jesus, our Beloved.

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