Monday, September 15, 2008

Our Lady of Sorrows

His mother stood beside the cross...John
Why is Mary so silent throughout scripture, yet, so well spoken by her actions of love? Why is she so important to our understanding of Jesus, our Lord and Savior? Today we remember her sorrow. Hers was a sorrow unlike any before or after, yet the closest to our own. Simeon said that a sword would pierce her heart. She was standing there when the soldier pierced her dead Son's helpless body. How helpless she must have felt. How deep must have been her angst. Even though she knew the words of Gabriel were true, "He will rule the nations.." Even though she knew He would suffer the cross, long before a single disciple was ever chosen. Even though she knew that He would rise on the third day. You see, this is how we feel every day in this valley of tears! Even though we know God is in control and that Jesus is with us, we still carry our crosses of confusion, frustration, fear, hopelessness, physical and mental pain. She showed us how to stay by His cross even when nothing in our present circumstance makes a bit of sense. She never left Jesus! She is our greatest example. We must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus!
Mary, our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

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