Tuesday, September 2, 2008

the way and life

"Spread your sails, fasten the Cross as an ensign on your prow. The calm that you speak of is itself a tempest." -----St. Jerome
Can we meet suffering, failure, disappointment, and temptation with trust? It's hard to do this! And what about the days when it seems we don't need God, when everything is going well, when there seems to be no waves of heartache pounding on our shore? The bills are paid, the gas tank is full, we aced our test, sold the big account, we are healthy and fit, the sky is blue, and our relationships are going well, what then? If by grace we are digging into the mystery of deep union with our Beloved, we will hardly notice either circumstances of tempest or serene waters. When deep union with the Trinity is our passion, desire, hunger, and craving, even the calm seas are a distraction from what burns in our hearts. And if this is not how we live, but want to live, we must ask Jesus to put this way of seeing and living inside us! This is why praying the Rosary is so important, for it is simply meditating on the way and life of Jesus through the blessed and humble eyes of Mother Mary.

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