I am talking like a madman...St. Paul (2 Corinthians 11:23-28)
Pope Benedict 16 has named 2008 the year of St. Paul. In doing this, the Chair of Peter is guiding us to look deeply into this "madman" and his example of following Jesus. Paul was beaten many times. He was "full of anxiety" over his children in the faith. He was jailed often. He was shipwrecked 3 times! He drifted on the sea for 24 hours after one of the shipwrecks. He was bitten by a snake. He was in danger everywhere; "from rivers, from robbers, his own people,from Gentiles, in cities, in the wilderness, at sea." He couldn't sleep, he went hungry and suffered dehydration. Why are we supposed to remember this guy? His example doesn't work with our idea of prosperity often taught today in America. Christians aren't suppose to suffer if they are "spirit filled", or if they are doing God's will, are they? Was Paul "spirit-filled"? Many are teaching that if we have faith, we can do anything, have anything, be anything, buy anything, and while doing so, drive the nicest car, have the best house, and never get sick. Why wouldn't Jesus remove Paul's "thorn in his flesh?" In this the year of St. Paul, Pope Benedict is asking us to re-think the reality of what it means to follow Jesus. Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble, take heart!, I have overcome the world." St. Paul took these words to heart, and in the midst of his trials he said things like, "I rejoice in my sufferings.." and "I rejoice in my weakness..." " It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain." He was mad!
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